How to submit your application - ESRC


Je-S electronic applications

Accessing electronic applications

If you and your research organisation are already registered for the Joint electronic submission (Je-S) system, you can access your electronic applications via Je-S.

Organisations wishing to register for Je-S should contact the Je-S Helpdesk.

Users wishing to access Je-S for the first time should check with their central administration on the status of the organisation’s Je-S registration before creating a Je-S account.

Please also check the information on eligibility for research council funding.

Applicants are strongly advised to consult both the Je-S help text (accessed via the ‘help’ link on the Je-S screens) and the specific guidance notes for individual funding opportunities.

Clicking ‘submit document’ will send your application to your host organisation’s administration who will then complete the submission process.

You should allow enough time between submitting your application to them and the funding opportunity closing date.

Applications that do not comply with ESRC-specific requirements cannot be accepted.

Contact Je-S for more information


Telephone: 01793 444 164

The Je-S helpdesk is staffed Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm UK time (excluding public holidays).

When reporting problems by email or telephone, please supply the following information:

  • your name, organisation and user id
  • the date and time
  • what part of the form or system you were working on
  • details of the problem

Last updated: 15 November 2024

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