Funding for postgraduate training and development



Latest edition of the postgraduate funding guide

The latest edition of the postgraduate funding guide supports directors, supervisors, nominated contacts and students in the administration of studentships and Doctoral Training Grants.

It covers financial payments, monitoring and evaluation, and all rules, regulations and procedures.

Doctoral training grants

All ESRC-funded studentships are calculated on the following basis, subject to you meeting the full eligibility conditions and depending on the type of award you get.

For the year 2024 to 2025:
Type of funding Amount
Standard maintenance grant £19,237
Fees £4,786
Research training support grant £940 (£750 for students funded prior to October 2024)
Overseas fieldwork support £450

Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centre for Doctoral Training (CDTs) also receive funding for student and cohort development.

Research training support grants and overseas fieldwork support

The total amount of funding we provide to each DTP and CDT for the Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) and Overseas Fieldwork (OSFW) is based on a fixed amount per student per year.

We encourage DTPs and CDTs to consider the total RTSG and OSFW payments as a resource from which to allocate funds. This will be based on student needs and priorities, as well as on DTP or CDT strategy. We expect that this will secure more funding for individual students.

It is the responsibility of the DTP or CDT to make sure that funds are used responsibly. Each should ensure a process is in place for managing funds that meets the needs of their students.

Students should discuss their needs with their DTP or CDT early in their funding.

Other sources of postgraduate funding

Some other organisations also provide funding for postgraduate students if you are:

  • planning to study at an institution outside of the doctoral training network
  • are seeking funding for a master’s degree
  • are not eligible to be considered for ESRC funding.

These organisations offer funding in specific areas of study:

These organisations offer funding for overseas students:

There are also some national awarding organisations:

Last updated: 5 February 2025

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