EPSRC has more than 100 research areas in its portfolio. Within those areas, we fund research that contributes to the following themes:
- digital economy
- energy and decarbonisation
- engineering
- healthcare technologies
- information and communication technologies (ICT)
- manufacturing the future
- mathematical sciences
- physical sciences
- quantum technologies
- research infrastructure.
Check the theme that’s relevant to your research to find out about funding opportunities, support and resources available in your field. You can also use our visualising our portfolio (VoP) tool to explore our portfolio by theme, research area, funding route, holding organisation and region.
We also have thematic areas which develop strategy across the breadth of EPSRC’s remit, which influence the future shape of our portfolio and reflect our evolving priorities:
Our strategic priorities
If you’re thinking of applying for funding from EPSRC, you should also consider how your research contributes to EPSRC’s strategic priorities.
EPSRC’s strategic priorities guide the research we support across our remit.
Our priorities are:
- the physical and mathematical sciences powerhouse
- frontiers in engineering and technology
- digital futures
- engineering net zero
- artificial intelligence, digitisation and data: driving value and security
- transforming health and healthcare
- quantum technologies
- ensuring an effective ecosystem for engineering and physical sciences.
Further details on our priorities are in our strategic delivery plan.
How we manage our portfolio and priorities
We gather evidence and consult with the engineering and physical science research community to help us invest funding strategically across the EPSRC portfolio.
Find out more about how we manage our portfolio and priorities.
You can also submit a Big Idea to our pipeline of ambitious and adventurous ideas from the research community, which have potential to transform the research landscape.