Reviewer forms and guidance notes - EPSRC

General reviewer guidance

General reviewer guidance for peer reviewers.

New Investigator Award (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing New Investigator Award applications.

Fellowships (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Fellowship applications.

Fellowship Open (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Fellowship Open applications.

Fellowship Open Plus (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Fellowship Open Plus applications.

Fellowship Postdoctoral (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Fellowship Postdoctoral applications.

Infrastructure grants (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Infrastructure grant applications.

Network grants (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Network grant applications.

Overseas travel grants (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Overseas travel grant applications.

Programme grants (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Programme grant applications.

Standard calls (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Standard call applications.

Standard grants (Je-S only guidance)

The form and guidance notes for peer reviewers assessing Standard grant applications.

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