Showing value in healthcare technologies - EPSRC



Significant investment is required to take technologies from fundamental research through to marketed product. In order to secure this investment it will be necessary to demonstrate the potential of your technology to deliver a return on investors contributions.

This requires a clear articulation of the potential opportunity through an assessment of potential value of the technology.

It is also necessary not just to demonstrate the value of a technology, but to also protect the value of that technology to prevent it being lost or stolen.

Finally, a clear plan detailing the mechanisms by which that value will be realised will be essential in the longer term and will have implications for how you should approach your research in the shorter term, so is worth considering sooner rather than later.

Health economics

All healthcare systems must make tough choices about the interventions and treatments they provide. With limited resources, decisions must be made about the most effective interventions to support.

Health economics provides evidence to support that decision-making process, both in deciding what products are adopted, but also which technologies are supported for development.

As such, there is a need to understand and quantify the potential benefit your technology could deliver in the healthcare market.

Find out more about health economics.

Intellectual property

The lengthy development time for many healthcare products may mean that Intellectual property strategies applied to other sectors may not be appropriate.

Often, decisions about protection must be taken prior to publication and if these decisions are inappropriate they can seriously disadvantage the technology going forwards.

Find out more about intellectual property.

Exploitation strategy

A clear plan for progressing your technology through its post-research development and, most crucially, making the transition from grant support through to self-sustaining commercial technology will make it more likely that your technology will reach the end of the development process.

Find out more about exploitation strategy.

Last updated: 27 January 2022

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