New Horizons: piloting a streamlined application process - EPSRC

In early 2020 EPSRC launched a funding opportunity for transformative research projects in the mathematical and physical sciences. The funding opportunity piloted a streamlined application process, as part of UKRI’s ongoing work to make funding simpler and better.

At all stages of the process the aim was to streamline and reduce timelines from application to award, while maintaining robust peer review, in order to award transformative, small-scale flexible funding.

Funding of up to £200,000 was available for projects of up to 24 months in duration.

The successful projects were announced in December 2020. 

Features of the pilot process

At the application stage applicants submitted an anonymous case for support without needing to include costs until panel stage.

At the review stage only the case for support was reviewed with the applicant remaining anonymous to the reviewer, fewer reviewers were approached and there was a streamlined assessment criteria

At the panel stage the panel took the reviewers’ comments on research idea and methodology into account before looking at ability to deliver.

EPSRC will now evaluate the pilot and the outcomes of New Horizons in line with the wider UKRI Reforming our Business programme and consider how the approaches taken through New Horizons could be included in future activities.

New Horizons awards 2020

New Horizons outcomes – successful grants funded by the Mathematical Sciences theme.

New Horizons outcomes – successful grants funded by the Physical Sciences theme.

Future funding opportunities

Search for details of future New Horizons funding opportunities.

Last updated: 17 August 2021

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