International funding - EPSRC


Overseas travel grants


Overseas travel grants (OTGs) provide funding for:

  • international travel and subsistence to study new techniques at recognised centres outside the UK
  • travel to start or develop international collaborations

One potential use of an OTG, for example, is for travel to European centres to develop collaborations for bids to Horizon Europe.

Centre visits may be to overseas universities or industrial organisations. The scheme may not be used to support solely conference attendance.

There is no limit to the amount of funding which can be applied for, and no closing dates.

Eligible costs

As well as travel and subsistence, the project lead can request funds to cover their salary and indirect costs. Estates costs cannot be claimed on an overseas travel grant.

Neither consumables nor equipment – including laptops – would normally be funded under this scheme. The cost of visas may be included in the proposal.

Number of people

Overseas travel grants normally only support a single project lead. Other staff costs can be requested but should be fully justified.

Timing and grant length

There is no upper limit on the overall length of an OTG grant but we would not expect to support:

  • single visits of six months or more
  • multiple visits exceeding 12 months in total

If an OTG funding decision comes after the requested start date, the funding cannot be backdated.

EPSRC does not allow expenditure incurred before the announcement date to be charged to the grant, so please ensure that you leave enough time for processing before the first proposed visit.

Where you can go

There are no restrictions to recognised research centres you can visit, no matter what country, as long as it is outside the UK. The cost of visas can be included in the grant as well.

Funding researchers abroad to come to the UK as visiting researchers is not covered by the OTG scheme. However, these costs may be included in a standard research proposal.

Linking overseas travel grant proposals to EPSRC research grants

Overseas travel grants do not need to be linked to an existing EPSRC research grant, but it is expected that new techniques learned, or collaborations formed, will lead to future research proposals.

OTGs and New Investigator Awards

A project lead on an OTG is still eligible to apply for a New Investigator Award.

Who can apply

Overseas travel grants are subject to the same eligibility criteria as standard research grants. Check if you’re eligible for funding.

How to apply

How to apply for overseas travel grants.


Proposals are assessed through our peer review process. If strongly supportive reviewers’ comments are received, funding may be approved without the proposal going to a prioritisation panel.

We try to provide a fast turnaround OTGs, but please allow at least 16 weeks before the first proposed visit.

Further information

If you would like to discuss a possible proposal please check our staff contacts to find the Portfolio Manager responsible for your research area.

EPSRC cannot supply examples of successful OTG applications as proposals are submitted to us in confidence.

Last updated: 27 July 2023

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