Help and advice for new academics - EPSRC

Getting started

You can apply for funding for many activities:

  • short-term or long-term research projects
  • postdoctoral and early career fellowships
  • travel and networking and working with industry and other collaborators.

The New Investigator Award scheme is available to help new academics. Check if you’re eligible for the New Investigator Award before you apply.

Find out how to apply for a New Investigator Award.

Where to get help


Before submitting a proposal, EPSRC recommends that you get advice from established colleagues.

Writing research proposals is a learned skill, and a good case for support is your chance to convince reviewers why your proposal should be funded. Many universities have mentoring schemes for new members of staff.

University administration office

Your administration office will be able to advise you on setting up a Je-S account and the application process, and may offer training sessions in writing proposals.

EPSRC staff

Please contact us if you have any questions about funding and schemes. We will also be happy to talk to you about your ideas for research projects, and can advise you about EPSRC’s remit and potential sources of funding.

You can either ask your colleagues who they usually talk to, or check EPSRC staff contacts to find the person responsible for your research area.

Vitae programme

The national programme for researcher development, Vitae, provides information about:

  • working in higher education
  • career options
  • skills development
  • keeping your life in balance.

They run a programme of events and activities for research staff.

Find out more about the Vitae programme on the Vitae website.

What happens next

When EPSRC receives your proposal, it is sent to reviewers for comments. If there is sufficient support, your proposal will be considered with others at a peer review panel.

There’s more guidance on our website, including advice on writing proposals and choosing reviewers, what information to include, and the review process.

Last updated: 21 April 2023

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