Industrial Doctoral Landscape Awards (IDLA)

The Industrial Doctoral Landscape Awards (IDLA) programme is managed by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It provides funding for four-year doctoral studentships which include a business or industry sponsor with an academic partner institution.

Businesses or industry organisations cannot apply to be an IDLA sponsor, we select sponsor organisations.

Changes to the programme

IDLA was previously called Industrial Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering (ICASE). Any previously awarded ICASE studentships will continue to run under the ICASE name.

Changes include:

  • voucher allocation will happen every three years instead of annually
  • sponsors can decide how many studentships from their allocation they use in each year across the three-year period
  • academic partners can be any UK degree-awarding institution, not just those with Doctoral Training Partnership funding
  • EPSRC will fund 60% of the studentships and the industry sponsor the remaining 40%
  • an additional assurance step has been added to the allocation process

IDLA funding allocation

We use an algorithm to select eligible businesses and industry organisations to be IDLA sponsors. Selection is based on financial and in-kind contributions to EPSRC-funded research.

We award selected sponsor organisations ‘vouchers’. Organisations with vouchers can form a partnership with an academic organisations to host a studentship. The allocation process happens every three years, the last allocation was in November 2024. The number of vouchers that a sponsor receives is dependent on the size of their contribution to EPSRC research.

IDLA sponsors are required to submit a statement of intent explaining how they will use their allocation. The statements will be assessed by a panel of experts drawn from industry and academia. Statements that meet our expectations will be invited to set up projects with partner academic organisations of their choice.

EPSRC will contribute 60% of the studentship cost and the sponsor organisation the remaining 40%. Both contributions are paid directly to the academic organisation.

If your organisation is interested in hosting an EPSRC studentship but has not been selected, you may be able to sponsor a University Doctoral Landscape Award. Alternatively, you may wish to contact one of our Centres for Doctoral Training, where you can discuss partnering with one of the centres and potentially sponsoring a studentship.

IDLA partnerships

IDLA partnerships are made up of the business or industry organisation acting as the sponsor and an academic partner. They may also have an optional additional industry partner.

Business and industry partners

Once a business or industry organisation has been allocated IDLA vouchers they are an IDLA sponsor. They can decide how many studentships from their allocation they use in each year across the three-year period.

What we expect from IDLA sponsors

Sponsors must:

  • contribute 40% of the cost of the studentship
  • offer a placement to each of their IDLA students
  • cover student expenses during visits
  • ensure their IDLA students are getting the best possible experience

For more information see our tips and considerations for industrial partners document.

Additional partners

An IDLA sponsor may involve one additional UK-based industrial partner on a project. Student placements may be with either industrial partner, or both.

The industrial partner that was allocated the vouchers, the sponsor, acts as the lead industrial partner. As the lead, they are responsible for:

  • ensuring the minimum cash contribution is delivered
  • student expenses are covered during visits
  • being the point of contact between EPSRC and the additional industrial partner

Academic partners

All IDLA studentships must have a UK-based academic partner, who will award the qualification.

Academic institutions can approach a sponsor organisation on the list of the latest allocations to industrial partners to suggest a partnership.

Once sponsors have determined their academic partner, grants are issued to the academic partner in the form of IDLA accounts. Further information on this can be found in the Industrial CASE terms and conditions.

Collaboration agreement

There should be a collaboration agreement between the:

  • lead industrial partner (the sponsor)
  • academic partner
  • additional industrial partner (if applicable)

This agreement should formalise any contributions from the additional industrial partner and state how they will be paid, for example through the lead industrial partner, or directly to the academic partner.

The lead industrial partner and academic partner will be responsible for ensuring the quality and funding of the studentship.

Ask a question about IDLA


Last updated: 21 February 2025

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