Remit, programmes and priorities - BBSRC


BBSRC research portfolio and priorities

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s (BBSRC) priorities guide what we invest in across our research portfolio.

Our research and innovation priorities support our high-level objectives to advance the frontiers of bioscience discovery and tackle strategic challenges.

Advancing the frontiers of bioscience discovery

Our priorities for this objective are:

Tackling strategic challenges

Our priorities for this objective are:

Responsive Mode Spotlights

From October 2022, following the publication of BBSRC’s strategic delivery plan 2022 to 2025, a new Responsive Mode Spotlight mechanism will replace the previous system of standing responsive mode priorities and periodic single-round research highlights.

The new Responsive Mode Spotlight mechanism will initially be introduced on a pilot basis and subject to review.

This means that from October 2022, BBSRC will no longer advertise standing responsive mode priorities.

As such, the tick box options that previously featured on the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system form to enable applicants to identify alignment to responsive mode priorities will no longer appear.

Applicants should continue to indicate how a proposal aligns to BBSRC’s research and innovation priorities, where relevant, within the case for support.

Applicants can find out more about the longer-term priority areas outlined above by accessing:

How we manage our portfolio and priorities

BBSRC’s strategy advisory panels help to shape our research and innovation portfolios.

Each panel consists of independent experts and stakeholders from across the bioscience research community, the private sector, learned societies and wider society.

You can also help shape our future research portfolio by submitting to our Bioscience Big Ideas Pipeline of ambitious and adventurous ideas from the bioscience community.

Last updated: 27 September 2024

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