What to include in your application - BBSRC


Justification of resources

All requested resources (directly incurred, directly allocated and exceptions, including principal investigator (PI) and co-investigator (co-I) time) must be fully justified.

Items that would ordinarily be found in a department, for example non-specialist computers, should include justification both for why they are required for the project and why they cannot be provided from the research organisation’s own resources (including funding from indirect costs from grants).

The page limit is a maximum of two sides of A4.

Find out how to write a justification of resources so you do not miss any costings from the Je-S form or any justification of the items requested.

The payroll costs of all staff, full or part-time, who work on the project, and whose time can be supported by a full audit trail may be included. The need for such staff should be justified in the justification of resources attachment.

It will be for those submitting the application to determine the extent to which market conditions make it difficult to recruit staff of appropriate quality in areas of high market demand and therefore require uplift from normal salary levels. Provided the uplift has been fully justified within the justification of resources attachment, BBSRC will make the award at that level. BBSRC reserves the right to provide support at a different level if it is considered appropriate.

For single capital items of equipment between £10,000 and £138,000 (including VAT) additional justification of the requirement for these items, and details of the proposed contribution to the cost of the equipment, must be provided in the justification of resources as detailed in the UKRI guidance.

For a joint application, we expect the applicants and their research organisations to agree between themselves, the levels of contribution from the different organisations, and the ownership and hosting arrangements for the equipment. Information should be provided in the justification of resources.



Email: policy@bbsrc.ukri.org

Last updated: 17 August 2021

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