Support for sequencing - BBSRC

Large-scale DNA sequencing

There is no special fund or assessment procedure for applications including sequencing but if your application includes large-scale or whole genome sequencing you should include the following information within the standard scientific case for support:

  • a description of the purposes to which the sequence would be put and the scientific benefits to be gained, making clear those which would derive directly from the grant and those which would be dependent on further resource
  • a statement of the UK research user community, where this is wider than the applicants, its international competitiveness, the science for which they would use the resource, and the impact on the wider scientific and user community, for example industry
  • an assessment of the strategic relevance of the activity to the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) mission and any priority areas
    an indication of other known sequence data on the same or similar organisms, available or proposed, (for example in industry or overseas) and why these cannot be used
  • arrangements for the documentation, storage and distribution of the sequence and the capture of resources and data arising from its research use. It will be required that sequence data will be released immediately into the public domain unless there are exceptional arguments which should be explained
  • arrangements to ensure the awareness of the target user community, and to secure any synergistic benefits from coordinating usage and sharing of data
    an appropriate project team including necessary data management expertise and a management or steering committee where the user community is large or involves many institutions or interests
  • evidence that the chosen facility has the appropriate technical capabilities in the sequencing and data analysis. Applicants using the Earlham Institute should complete a Technical Assessment Form.

Where no suitable UK academic partner for sequencing can be found, we will consider funding the acquisition of sequence from industrial or overseas sources. Your choice of sequencing organisation should be justified in terms of scientific suitability and cost effectiveness by following the guidelines above when completing your application.
Enquiries relating to support for sequencing should be directed to

Resources for DNA sequencing

Following the introduction of full economic costing (FEC), the resources for DNA sequencing requested through research grants can be supported at either 100% FEC or 80% FEC. In order to qualify for the resources to be granted at 100% FEC, the sequencing will need to be carried out through a contract to an institution or organisation ineligible to apply for BBSRC funding. Funds for sequencing must be applied for and will be awarded in pounds Sterling. Any grant made will include 100% of the costs only. No indexation will be applied and no further funds will be granted for this activity to cover, for example, currency fluctuations. It is possible to request support for other activities associated with DNA sequencing such as annotation of the sequence, but in order for this to qualify for 100% FEC, it must also be undertaken by an organisation not eligible for BBSRC funding.

Last updated: 20 February 2023

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