Doctoral training



Our doctoral training aims to develop the world-class, highly skilled workforce the UK needs for its future, through training and professional development.

The PhD is the first step towards a career in research, providing graduates with training for a range of opportunities. We support postgraduate training to help ensure the flow of highly qualified people into careers within and outside academia. Working with key training partners, we fund around 2,000 PhD students each year in universities, research institutes or industrial partners, providing around £45 million in funds annually.

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) awards studentship funding directly to universities and research organisations, and not to students. Departments and supervisors advertise for students. You should contact the institution at which you would like to study for a research degree.

Universities are responsible for checking students’ eligibility in line with the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) training grant guide.

Advanced research training

Providing excellent bioscience training in world-leading laboratories across the UK in research areas relevant to our remit and strategic priority areas.

Our vision of moving towards more predictive biology needs to be underpinned by training that is increasingly interdisciplinary. Many exciting advances in our understanding of biological systems will emerge at the interfaces between biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.

Core bioscience skills training (bioinformatics, statistics and mathematics)

Students have access to cutting-edge skills training in key areas to enhance employability and research capability.


A BBSRC studentship, for those eligible, includes:

  • a maintenance stipend: £17,668 each year (2022 to 2023)
  • fees: £4,596 each year (2022 to 2023)
  • a research training support grant: £5,000 each year
  • funds to cover conferences, travel and UK fieldwork expenses: £230 each year

The stipend and fees levels normally increase annually in line with the GDP deflator as advised by UKRI.

Professional skills development

As part of your BBSRC training, students will have access to a range of professional skills development opportunities.

Contact us

You can find out more about doctoral training.

Capability and Innovation Domain – Studentships


Last updated: 27 July 2023

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