During your time as a peer review college member, you will be required to abide by the AHRC standards of service. These standards of service describe what we expect of you as a college member and what you can expect of AHRC.
AHRC expects you to:
- attend an AHRC induction event for college members
- keep your contact details in your Je-S account up to date at all times, including your primary email address, where we’ll send review requests. This is in accordance with the Je-S reviewer protocols that you as a reviewer must accept before completing your first review for AHRC
- add and maintain details of your research expertise by selecting research classifications and entering free text keywords, to enable AHRC to match you with grant applications submitted via Je-S
- provide AHRC, when requested, with a review by the due date specified and in accordance with the reviewer guidance in the Je-S help text
- review up to eight proposals during a 12-month period (normally no more than four in any quarter). In exceptional circumstances, you may be asked to review more proposals
- notify AHRC when you are unable to meet a review request by declining via Je-S within five working days of the request, so that an alternative reviewer can be sought without delay
- be aware that to ensure the efficient running of the college we may withdraw your college membership if you decline two review requests in succession because you are too busy
- record any periods when you are unavailable to accept review requests in your Je-S account. This will ensure that you won’t be sent review requests while you are on leave, working as a panel member or busy with other commitments. If the period is for longer than six months, contact peerreviewcollege@ahrc.ukri.org
- keep up to date with developments that may affect your role as a college member, for example, by referring to the peer review handbook and reading the peer review college e-newsletters. You are also encouraged to attend AHRC organised events and to visit the AHRC website regularly for updates that may impact your role
- agree to membership for a period of up to four years. Continuation beyond this period or earlier withdrawals of membership are at AHRC’s discretion. You may also resign your college membership at any time
- adhere to and uphold UKRI’s policies, standards and guidance in support of good research practices.
AHRC will:
- ask you to review up to eight proposals to its funding schemes or programmes during each 12-month period (normally no more than four in any quarter), although exceptionally you may be asked to review more
- reimburse your travel and subsistence expenses if you take part in a panel meeting, in accordance with the AHRC’s non-employee travel and subsistence policy
- email you the e-newsletter four times a year to update you on developments that may affect your role and responsibilities as a member, including generic feedback from panel meetings
- invite you, if selected, to serve on its panels, which make grading and ranking decisions on grant proposals submitted to AHRC
- on occasion, forward your contact and subject expertise details to bodies with which AHRC has a formal funding agreement or collaborative arrangement, for example the UK research councils, or with which it has a formal agreement that has been drawn up as part of its international strategy so that they may contact you to request a review
- publish your name, research or other organisation (where appropriate) and college groups on the AHRC website, including any panel meetings you attend
- monitor the performance of all of its college members. AHRC reserves the right to discontinue the membership of members who fail to observe these standards of service.
Last updated: 28 February 2022