Panellists’ guidance - AHRC

This page contains guidance for members of AHRC peer review panels.

Moderation panels

Read the guidance for panellists and chairs of moderation panels:

Assessment panels

Read the guidance for assessment panels:

Interview panels

Guidance for panellists on interview panels provides guidance for panellists serving on an interview panel.


The non-employee expenses (NEE) portal can be used for claiming panel fees and expenses in relation to panel meetings. If you have a non-UK bank account, please use the expenses claim form instead:

Please contact for assistance with the NEE portal. If you are only claiming for panel fees, please leave both the expenses and fees section blank and the team will enter the amount payable.

For non-UK bank accounts, please ensure that all sections of the expenses claim form and your signature are completed before sending it to so that the team can process your claim as quickly as possible. If you are only claiming for panel fees, there is no need to fill out the ‘details of business expenses’ section.

Last updated: 7 August 2024

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