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Position statement

AHRC commitment to support the career development of researchers

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) statement of commitment to implement the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

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UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is a signatory to the revised Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, also known as the Researcher Development Concordat, which was launched in September 2019.

AHRC is publishing this statement to confirm our commitment to the concordat as a funder of arts and humanities research. The statement specifies actions to contribute to the implementation of the concordat, for the benefit of the arts and humanities research community.


  • 15 March 2024
    Progress on actions annual update
  • 27 July 2023
    Progress on actions annual update
  • 15 June 2022
    Progress on actions annual update

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