Our pathway for change

The Simpler and Better Funding (SBF) programme will deliver a single, consistent, user-centred service that reduces the burden of finding, applying for and managing research funding for all users.

Research councils have been transitioning different funding types onto the new UK Research and Innovation Funding Service since 2023. You can find out more about these changes and council plans in the sections below.

Transition from the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system to the new UKRI Funding Service

The majority of research council funding opportunities are run on the Funding Service and we continue to develop and pilot the award functionality.

Our process:

  • funding opportunities for all seven research councils launched on the new service in increasing numbers​
  • at the same time we continue to build and test the service, continuously enhance it to ensure a consistent, simpler, and better funding service for all
  • Je-S has continued to run in parallel to support live awards and to host the remaining opportunities that are yet to transition to the Funding Service
  • our current focus is on the testing and development of functionality required for making and managing awards on the Funding Service

We will continue to give researchers and research organisations updated information in advance of changes to help them plan.​

For more information, see council transition to the new Funding Service.​

Integration with Innovate UK and Research England

We will integrate Research England’s funding processes into the new service and work with Innovate UK to support applications to Innovate UK opportunities.

Improvement through iteration

We are developing the Funding Service in an agile way. We gradually introduce functionality and pilot new features and different funding types. After testing and user feedback, we continuously refine and enhance the Funding Service.

We are building core capability first and continuously developing it to address any issues and enhance the service we provide. As we develop the core capability and launch opportunities, users will see a steady improvement in functionality and quality of experience, even if the initial experience is not ideal.

Ultimately, the Funding Service will offer a simpler and better experience for all our users, operating a funding process which is supported by more consistent and robust policies and guidance.

Improvements in the Funding Service

The Funding Service will make a positive difference to the research community. It will address many of the issues of complexity and unnecessary bureaucracy recognised by researchers, and which have been identified in various reviews of research funding such as the independent review into research bureaucracy. For example, some of the improvements our users will get include:

  • a single front door: each opportunity made available through the same site and approached in consistent ways
  • a clearer layout for applications, structured around questions that relate to the criteria used for deciding on an application
  • an application process that asks only for the information we need to decide on an application
  • an application process that asks for information once and uses this information again if needed later in the grant funding journey
  • more consistent guidance to help applicants at the point of the process where that guidance applies
  • an easier review process as the application questions link more directly to assessment criteria
  • greater consistency across UKRI opportunities with standardised application questions and assessment criteria

We have already improved some areas in response to user feedback, including:

  • enhancing the organisation search facility when inviting other collaborators
  • better visibility of expert review status and statistics
  • additional features added to the rich text editor when writing an application
  • improvements to how users can view an application, so that they can see the full question asked and the guidance that supports it

Transitioning different funding types

Throughout 2023, we were able to run opportunities in the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system while simultaneously running increasing numbers of opportunities on the new Funding Service. This has allowed us to work with councils to test the core capability of the service and refine standard templates and questions.

Find out more and keep up to date with the councils’ transition plans.

Registering and applying on the Funding Service

If you have not used the Funding Service before, the first step is to create an account by following the ‘Apply now’ button located on the page where that opportunity is listed. The process is straightforward and quick, helping you to get started on your application as soon as possible.

Find out more about registering and applying on the Funding Service.

ORCID iD on the Funding Service

We will connect the UKRI Funding Service to the ORCID registry. This will allow you to link to your ORCID iD to your Funding Service account. This functionality will become available mid-2025.

Additional ORCID functionality will be added later including:

  • the reviewer recognition process (previously offered in the Joint Electronic Submission system)
  • other additional ORCID enhancements

UKRI policy on the use of ORCID

You will be required to link your ORCID iD to your Funding Service account to submit a funding application if you are both:

  • named as project lead, project co-lead, and fellow on a funding application
  • affiliated with UK higher education institutes or providers, research institutes, independent research organisations, or public sector research establishments

If one or both of these do not apply to you, you will be encouraged, but not required, to link your ORCID iD to the Funding Service.

Applying the policy

Linking your ORCID iD to your Funding Service will become mandatory six months after the functionality becomes available.

What is ORCID

ORCID provides free, unique identifiers and a platform for researchers to create and maintain a record of their activities.

For more information visit the ORCID website.

More help with funding

Getting funding from UKRI

Submitting your application

Check if you’re eligible for funding

Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI) guidance

How to manage your award

Contact us with any questions

Email: sbf@ukri.org

Support with using the Funding Service

If you cannot find what you are looking for, the Funding Service helpdesk can provide support with your questions about using the service.




01793 547490

Last updated: 15 November 2024

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.