Find out if you can apply for funding

Before you apply, follow these steps to find out if UKRI can fund your project.

Check if your organisation is eligible

To apply for funding, you need to be based at an organisation we have already approved.

Check if your organisation is eligible.

If your organisation is not currently eligible, they can apply to be approved.

Once you have confirmed your organisation is eligible, you can search for funding opportunities. Each opportunity will have details of the eligibility criteria you must meet in order to apply.

Eligibility for businesses

If you are a business, check the specific criteria in the funding opportunity. We run eligibility checks for each application. Most funding opportunities for businesses are offered through Innovate UK.

You must be a UK-registered business to apply for funding as a project lead. Check the funding opportunity for details about who you can collaborate with.

To be eligible as a UK-registered business you must have a Companies House registration number.

You are not eligible to apply as a project lead if your business:

  • has an FC or BR prefix on your registration number
  • is registered in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man

Check if you can lead a project

In most cases, your application will need a project lead.

A project lead is responsible for managing the project. They are the main contact for UKRI.

To be a project lead, you must:

  • have a contract with an eligible organisation
  • be able to meet the specific criteria for the funding opportunity you are interested in

Fellowships fund an individual and do not have a project co-lead. The fellow acts as the lead.

If you’re not sure if you can be a project lead, check the details of the funding opportunity you’re interested in.

Project co-leads

A project co-lead can take over the leadership of the project if required. Your team can have multiple project co-leads.

A project co-lead must meet the same criteria as the project lead.

International project co-lead

Each funding opportunity will specify if international project co-leads are allowed. Read more about being an international co-lead.

Make sure your idea is right for UKRI

You can apply for funding if you:

  • already have a project idea
  • have seen a specific opportunity that you want to shape your idea around

You will need to make sure your idea complies with the trusted research and innovation principles.

Some opportunities specify what ideas we are looking to fund. You will need to build your team and research proposal around the funding criteria.

Other opportunities are applicant-led and have a wider scope. These opportunities will allow you to define your own research, as long as it’s within the council remit.

Check the remit for what we fund

Each council’s remit page has more detail on the topic areas they cover:

If your proposal is multidisciplinary, contact the council you think is most likely to fund your research. More details are available in the cross-council remit agreement.

Find out what support we offer

If you need help completing your application, contact your organisation first.

We can also offer guidance and support if you need help completing your application.

We can offer flexible working patterns or help with childcare costs if required. Contact the funding opportunity lead to discuss your needs.

We fund diverse and dynamic teams across a range of research projects.

Last updated: 28 March 2025

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.