Get funding for international research

We offer many funding opportunities to support international collaboration. These include:

  • travel and subsistence grants for UK researchers to work abroad
  • exchanges and networking schemes for doctoral students and researchers
  • schemes to support international research collaborations between the UK and partner countries
  • innovation support for businesses working with overseas partners

What to apply for will depend on:

  • if you are based in the UK or another country
  • what you want to do, for example, how you will collaborate

International researchers who want to do research in the UK

Many of our funding opportunities are open to international researchers.

Eligibility is different for each funding opportunity. For most grants the project lead must be based in the UK, but you could be part of the bid as a project co-lead (international) or team member.

You usually need a visa to come to the UK and work on a research project or fellowship. Check eligibility criteria and how to apply for a Global Talent visa to do research on GOV.UK

UK and international researchers who want to work together

UK and non-UK based researchers may be able to apply for joint funding. UKRI supports this through several opportunities.

EU funding programmes

Although the UK has left the EU, UK-based researchers can continue to take part in many EU funding programmes.

The UK agreed a deal to associate to Horizon Europe on 7 September 2023. UK researchers can now apply for Horizon Europe funding. All successful UK applicants will be covered through the UK’s association (or guarantee) for the remainder of the programme.

International Science Partnerships Fund

There are also international opportunities created by UKRI, such as the International Science Partnerships Fund.

Lead agency opportunities

Some of our collaborative opportunities are run as lead agency opportunities.

Lead agency opportunities are jointly funded by UKRI and its partner funders around the world. They involve an agreed framework for the review of funding applications, with each funding partner responsible for awarding the successful applications in their respective countries.

The process for applying varies between opportunities, with specific guidance for countries and opportunities, including:

You need to read this guidance in addition to the specific funding opportunity that you are applying for.

You can search  funding opportunities to find available opportunities.

Project co-lead (International)

The role of project co-lead (international) allows researchers from a research organisation outside of the UK to be recognised for their contribution to the work conducted and ownership of ideas. The role and associated activities are usually solely funded by UKRI. The UKRI-wide policy for project co-leads (international) outlines how researchers can work together.

The research councils and UKRI programmes can choose when they would like to use this role in funding opportunities. An example of this is the cooperation agreement with the Research Council of Norway.

Research councils’ international opportunities

You can find out more about the international opportunities of UKRI’s research councils:

Last updated: 2 July 2024

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.