Submitting your application

Some funding opportunities will require you to read multiple sets of guidance. These are:

  • the guidance specific to that opportunity
  • general UKRI guidance for applicants
  • guidance for applicants from the council you’re applying to

Opportunities that require you to read all sets of guidance include:

  • all innovation grants with Innovate UK
  • most opportunities that focus on a specific research challenge or area

We will be reducing council-specific guidance as we standardise guidance across UKRI.

Application submissions

UKRI aims to process application submissions in line with our values of collaboration, innovation, integrity and excellence to support a world-leading research and innovation culture.

Application amendments

We will not consider any requests to amend your application after it has been submitted on the UKRI Funding service.

We encourage you your organisation to review your application to make sure it is complete and accurate before submission.

Mandatory requirements

Applications will be rejected if they do not meet the mandatory requirements specified in the funding opportunity.

Mandatory requirements may vary between funding opportunities, but could include:

  • start date (for example, if specified that your project must start on a specific date)
  • project duration (if your project must last for a specific number for months)
  • funding limits
  • attachments
  • organisation eligibility, applicant eligibility or both

Duplicate submissions

You can submit time-sensitive grant proposals to UKRI at the same time as submitting proposals to other, non-UKRI funders when they also allow duplicate submissions. You should not submit a duplicate application to multiple UKRI councils.

Fellowships continue to allow this, subject to any specific opportunity guidelines.

Duplicate submissions are two proposals that have:

  • a substantially comparable research endeavour or notion to use existing research and apply it in a new way, such as the development of technologies based on existing research
  • similar aims and objectives, methodology and resources

Reviewing and assessing proposals takes time. Before you make a duplicate submission, consider whether it’s essential to the research outcome.

If you intend to submit a duplicate proposal to UKRI and a non-UKRI funder, you should let us know either:

  • in your proposal
  • at any point after you submit your proposal, but before announcement

You will not be able to accept duplicate funding for a project.

Late submissions

You will not be able to submit an application after a funding opportunity closes. We encourage you to review your application before the closing date to ensure that it is complete and accurate before you submit.

UKRI will exceptionally consider requests for an application to be submitted late for the following reasons:

  • system issues
  • UKRI technical issues or operational issues
  • organisational issues caused by external factors
  • extenuating circumstances
  • research office administrator or manager’s unexpected absence due to extenuating circumstances
  • project lead’s unexpected absence due to extenuating circumstances

Request a late application submission

To request a late application submission, your organisations research office manager should complete the late application request form.

Research office managers should email the completed form to:

Generative artificial intelligence (AI)

Use of generative AI tools to prepare funding applications is permitted, however, caution should be applied.

For more information see our policy on the use of generative AI in application and assessment.

Who to contact

If you have questions about your application, contact the funding opportunity programme manager named in the funding opportunity.

If your proposed idea spans different research areas across two or more councils’ remits and you’re unsure about where to make your application, they can advise you.

Last updated: 3 February 2025

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.