Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


Research Infrastructure Group (RIG)

The Research Infrastructure Group (RIG) is part of the Systems Division of the Scientific Computing Department (SCD) with team members based at the Daresbury Laboratory and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

The team provides services to a user community that encompasses the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the UK and Europe.

Within STFC

The team manages computing resources that underpin the department’s support of STFC facilities. This includes managing SCARF, the 4000+ core STFC HPC cluster available to all STFC staff and collaborators.

The team also provides system and infrastructure support for a range of other departmental systems.

Within the EGI and UK e-infrastructures

Core infrastructure services are provided to the UK and European Grid Infrastructure (EGI), a publicly funded e-infrastructure to drive research and innovation in Europe:

  • APEL – The core accounting tool used by sites in the EGI and WLCG infrastructures
  • GOCDB – The core information portal about sites on the production Grid
  • UK e-Science Certificate Authority (UKCA)

Within the wider UK

As well as supporting the facilities and scientists within STFC the group has a long track record of hosting HPC services for UK users and currently manage services for the following:

Last updated: 11 April 2022

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