Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


High Performance Systems Group (HPSG)

The High Performance Systems Group (HPSG) is a high performance computing (HPC) and systems-orientated group within the Systems Division of the Scientific Computing Department (SCD).

The team is based at the Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire, while also operating at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire. The group provides system and infrastructure support for the Hartree Centre systems BlueWonder and BlueJoule, and other departmental systems.

HPSG also remotely provides system support to the HECToR and ARCHER supercomputers based at the Advanced Computing Facility in Edinburgh. HPSG delivers user support and documentation, along with a helpdesk facility.

The group also supports training courses and visualisation suite bookings. Furthermore, dedicated staff within the group are responsible for all machine room operations, including electrical, cooling, safety and access control systems.

Last updated: 12 September 2023

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