Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


Chadwick and RAL Library Services

Library services for the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) Daresbury Laboratory, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Chilbolton Observatory are managed within the Scientific Computing Department.

The Chadwick Library, Daresbury Laboratory and RAL Library also provide library services to Diamond Light Source through a service level agreement, and library provision is currently being expanded to STFC and campus tenants.

We provide access to information needed by STFC staff and visitors in a wide range of scientific, technical, management and other fields. Published papers, data and interactions in virtual environments all produce resources which we bring together, organise and promote for the benefit of scientific research and technology. In consultation with customers, we balance our investment across a range of information resources and the infrastructure required to deliver the service.

We also facilitate access by the wider community to our organisation’s research outputs, for example through ePubs, the open archive for STFC research publications, and participate in agreements and projects to encourage the sharing of research information.

Members of the library team contribute to the development of the wider information environment on behalf of our user communities through membership of relevant groups at research council, national and international levels, raising and responding to issues that affect access to research outputs.



Last updated: 30 July 2024

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