Harwell campus

Steeped in more than 60 years of scientific history and discovery – this vibrant, fast-growing community of scientists and businesses offers organisations extensive development potential.

Harwell Campus is host to an array of over £1 billion of world leading research infrastructure and expertise that is made accessible to businesses.

With visions to grow Harwell into the world’s largest and most important science and innovation campus, the broad and diverse R&D based community are able to explore the breadth and depth of scientific disciplines based here, and drive the technology for real world solutions for the good of UK industry. While the campus excels in space and satellite applications, research in all aspects of the Harwell Campus core sectors are comprehensively explored through the 5,500 researchers, engineers and innovators on site and this research is conducted with beyond leading edge technology.

Easy access to Oxford and London allows Harwell Campus to create a buzz of connectivity while partnering with leading universities. Engaging with research that supports both small and larger businesses underpins the partnership with STFC to collaborate and facilitate the ease of ground breaking academic research and commit to supporting entrepreneurship.

For more information on this campus, please visit the Harwell Campus website.


Barbara Ghinelli
Telephone: 01235 446124
Email: barbara.ghinelli@stfc.ac.uk

Last updated: 12 September 2023

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