Audit Committee

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance at all times. To this end it has established an independent Audit Committee to help to address the key financial and other risks facing the Council.

The Audit Committee is a sub-committee of Council, to support them in their responsibilities for issues of risk, control, governance and associated assurance.

The committee acts in an advisory capacity and has no executive powers.


The committee is authorised by the Council to investigate any activity within its terms of reference. It is authorised to seek any information it requires from any employee and all employees are directed to cooperate with any request made by the committee.


The Audit Committee reports to Council after each meeting, the report will include the minutes.


The Council appoints members to the committee. A quorum shall consist of two members, one of whom must be a Council member who shall act as Chair.

All members are subject to periodic performance appraisals by the Audit Committee Chair. The Audit Committee Chair is subject to appraisal by the STFC Council Chair.

Members are appointed for three years. Current membership is:

  • Gill Ball – Chair
  • Gerard Connell – Deputy Chair
  • David Noble – Independent Member
  • Angela Marshall – Independent Member

Secretariat services are provided by the Governance Team.


The Audit Committee meets at least four times a year. The Chair of the Audit Committee is responsible for convening meetings and may convene additional meetings, as deemed necessary.

Audit Committee meetings will normally be attended by the Chief Executive as Accounting Officer, the Executive Director Finance and representatives of Internal Audit and the National Audit Office (External Audit).

Terms of Reference

View the full Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee.

Last updated: 14 November 2024

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