STFC Executive Chair

STFC’s Executive Chair, Professor Michele Dougherty provides overall leadership and is responsible for the management and performance of STFC.

She chairs the Executive Board and is responsible for setting STFC’s direction and winning the support of external stakeholders for the vision of STFC as an enabler of world-class science with social and economic impact. Professor Dougherty also leads delivery of the UKRI Research and Innovation Infrastructure Roadmap and is the UKRI Space Champion.

The Executive Chair’s Office is in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell. The Executive Chair is supported by an Executive Support Team, which also provides secretariat support to the Executive Board and STFC Council.

Executive Support Team

Maya Riddle, Private Secretary to the Executive Chair

Janice Masone, Executive Assistant to the Executive Chair

Janice is the first point of contact for the Executive Chair’s diary, correspondence and invitations.

Last updated: 30 January 2025

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