Particle Physics Advisory Panel (PPAP)

The purpose of the Particle Physics Advisory Panel (PPAP) is to provide a link between Science Board and the community, and represent the needs of the community to the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

In response to the European Strategy for Particle Physics update in 2020, the PPAP carried out a roadmapping exercise throughout 2020-2021 and after iteration with the particle physics community, finalised the roadmap in September 2021. This roadmap, like previous ones, represents a snapshot of the community and its vision at this point in time and will be updated in the future.

Read the 2021 PPAP roadmap.


  • Ruben Saakyan, University College London (chair)
  • Andrea Banfi, University of Sussex
  • Tracey Berry, Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Marco Gersabeck, The University of Manchester
  • Andy Buckley, University of Glasgow
  • Helen O’Keeffe, Lancaster University
  • Arttu Rajantie, Imperial College London
  • Rebecca Seviour, University of Huddersfield
  • Davide Costanzo, The University of Sheffield
  • Elena Gramellini, The University of Manchester
  • Henning Flaecher, University of Bristol
  • Jessica Turner, Durham University
  • Sarah Williams, University of Cambridge

Meeting dates

The panel organises hybrid meetings as required, and an annual in person meeting:

  • 6 to 7 July 2023, University of Birmingham
  • 21 to 22 September 2022, The University of Manchester
  • 12 to 13 September 2019, University of Birmingham
  • 16 to 17 July 2018, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Previous meeting documents are available on Indico.


Terms of reference

The advisory panel is tasked to:

  • maintain an overview of activities within the area
  • develop and maintain a science vision and long term strategy or roadmap by assessing the merit of current and future science opportunities
  • develop and maintain a technology roadmap for their area of research
  • consult and interact with the community to ensure its views are canvassed and there is an appropriate and effective route for communication with STFC on strategic programmatic issues
  • provide advice to Science Board on specific questions as requested
  • liaise with other advisory panels when appropriate
  • report on its activities to Science Board on a regular basis using the process set out below: the science strategy developed by the advisory panel will be used by Science Board as input to ongoing strategy development and in future programmatic reviews
  • consist of a chair and deputy and up to 12 other members, the panel size depending on the size of the community and the need to ensure that the panel membership fully reflects the breadth of the community.


STFC invites applications to join its panels and committees through the annual membership call. For further information regarding the PPAP contact Karen Clifford.


Last updated: 2 May 2024

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