Nuclear Physics Grants Panel

The Nuclear Physics Grants Panel’s role is to:

  • assess and make recommendations to the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Executive for research awards in nuclear physics
  • take account, as appropriate, of any strategic advice provided by STFC
  • provide clear concise feedback to applicants
  • advise the Science Board and Executive as required on all issues relating to research grants, including monitoring the level of funding allocated to grants per round
  • liaise with other bodies as necessary
  • carry out such other tasks associated with peer review as the Executive might require
  • take account, as appropriate, of the recommendations of external reviewers and the conclusion of specialist peer review panels. These may be convened by the Executive
  • advise on consolidated grants, contiguous groups of research requests, or research requests which are judged (on the basis of cost or propriety) to warrant such separate, in-depth assessment.

Organisational structure


  • Professor Kieran Flanagan (Chair), The University of Manchester
  • Dr Nara Singh Bondili, University of the West of Scotland
  • Professor Jens Jorgen Gaardhoje, University of Copenhagen
  • Dr Liam Gaffney, University of Liverpool
  • Dr David Hamilton, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Morten Hjorth-Jenson, Michigan State University US, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Dr Marc Labiche, Daresbury Laboratory
  • Professor Alison Laird, University of York
  • Dr Judith McGovern, The University of Manchester
  • Professor Zsolt Podolyak, University of Surrey
  • Professor Dan Watts, University of York

Last updated: 11 September 2023

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