Call for applications to STFC advisory bodies and peer review panels

This call is now closed. We have received a high volume of applications. All selection outcomes will be communicated to applicants by October to November 2024. The next call is due to be opened in April 2025.

Every year, a number of vacancies become available on the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) advisory bodies and peer review panels. These bodies perform a vital function for STFC, providing advice and guidance that aids our strategic direction and supports our decision-making processes.

This page includes:

  • a summary of what members do, who we’re looking for and how to apply
  • link to guidance documents
  • specific details on each available panel, committees and board vacancy, including eligibility, selection criteria and time commitment

STFC cover funding for Frontier Science Programme core areas (the PPAN areas of particle physics, particle astrophysics, astronomy, and nuclear physics, alongside the accelerator science and computing programmes that accompany them), but also run facilities and advisory panels. Therefore, we’re interested in your expertise in different types of the main core areas where applicable.

What members do

Members have the opportunity to influence STFC’s strategy, policies, and funding decisions, as well as guiding STFC to develop the societal impact of our investments and best support our research and innovation communities.

Members will also be able to expand their professional networks and explore a wide range of challenges related to investment in UK science and engineering.

Our handbook for members of STFC’s advisory bodies will help you to understand our expectations of a panel member. The handbook also includes useful information on other topics, such as:

  • equality and diversity
  • conflicts of interest
  • confidentiality
  • our policy on travel, subsistence, and remunerated meeting fees

Webinar recording

See our webinar about membership and recruitment for STFC boards, panels and committees.

Video credit: UKRI. Video transcript and on-screen captions are available by watching on YouTube

Who can be a member

We are committed to the principles of fair and transparent decision-making, promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). In addition to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) principles on EDI, STFC continues to develop a range of measures and objectives around EDI. We have undertaken an equality, diversity and inclusion impact assessment (EIA) for this opportunity, see application guidance documents.

We would like to encourage everyone to consider this opportunity. We would also urge colleagues to share these details with everyone in their networks and teams, including any specific diversity networks that exist within your institution.

We want to encourage a diverse range of applicants to all our panels, and have a target of 30% in relation to the underrepresented gender (for STFC, women) on our panels. We collect other diversity-related information, to understand whether our panels are more broadly representative and to inform any future action we might take in this area.

We therefore encourage all applicants to share information about themselves. This information will be anonymised and aggregated, to protect individual identity.

We are also highlighting the opportunity for early career candidates to apply for certain vacancies. This has been indicated in the text for specific panels.

The specific requirements for each vacancy are listed, and all applications will be assessed via an appropriate review process. Applications will be assessed on the evidence presented in the application.

We are seeking applications from academia, government, industry, the ‘third sector’ or civil society communities (including charities) relevant to STFC’s grant programmes, and from the communities supported by STFC facilities.

Submissions from STFC employees (for example scientists, technologists,  project managers or engineers) who meet the criteria for panels are also welcome.

We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodation to participate in the panel membership. We are committed to helping you with the application and appointment processes, and have tried to make the information clear and accessible.

How to apply

  1. Check the specific details below for the panel, committee and board vacancies before deciding which to apply for.
  2. Read the application guidance documents, which include:
    • a preview of the application form
    • questions and answers from a webinar we held in 2021
    • testimonies from members of STFC panels, boards and committees
  3. Apply using the online form: Apply for membership of STFC advisory bodies and peer review panels 2024.

Closing date for applications is 20 May 2024.

Additional information

Start dates and term lengths

This is an annual opportunity and, as a result, membership may commence at different times. For most committees and panels members will be appointed for three years unless otherwise stated.

Reaching the widest possible pool of applicants

Communities are asked strongly to encourage their relevant network and colleagues to participate. Please pass on the details of this page. Please note, all applicants should apply directly.

If appropriate, STFC may open the opportunity up again to encourage a wider pool of applicants, and to ensure that we have a balance across the different range of representation and experiences we are seeking.

We encourage all members of our community to either put themselves forward for membership of our boards and panels, or to recommend other qualified candidates to apply themselves.

Video: about Science Board

See our video about the responsibilities and benefits of being a member of the STFC Science Board.

Video credit: UKRI. Video transcript and on-screen captions are available by watching on YouTube

Ask a question about applying to an STFC panel or advisory board


Read the specific details below for the relevant panel, committee and board vacancies before making your application.

STFC panels with vacancies in the 2024 opportunity

  • Advisory Panel for Public Engagement
  • ALMA Oversight Committee
  • Astronomy Advisory Panel (AAP)
  • Astronomy Large Awards Sift Panel
  • 2024 Collaborative Studentships Panel
  • CERN Fellowship Panel
  • DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee – Astronomy and Cosmology Sub-Panel
  • DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee (DiRAC) – Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel
  • Education Training and Careers Committee
  • Chair of the Education Training and Careers Committee
  • Ernest Rutherford Fellowship
  • Innovation and Business Board (IBB)
  • Projects Peer Review Panel (PPRP)
  • Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories)
  • Science Board (PPAN)
  • Solar System Advisory Panel (SSAP)

Panels accepting applications from industry

  • Advisory Panel for Public Engagement
  • DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee – Astronomy and Cosmology Sub-Panel
  • DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee (DiRAC) – Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel
  • 2024 Collaborative Studentships Panel
  • Education Training and Careers Committee
  • Innovation and Business Board
  • Projects Peer Review Panel (PPRP)

Panels accepting applications from early careers

  • Advisory Panel for Public Engagement
  • Astronomy Advisory Panel (AAP)
  • Astronomy Large Awards Sift Panel
  • CERN Fellowship Panel
  • 2024 Collaborative Studentships Panel
  • DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee – Astronomy and Cosmology Sub-Panel
  • DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee (DiRAC) – Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel
  • Education Training and Careers Committee (ETCC)
  • Ernest Rutherford Fellowship (ERF)
  • Innovation and Business Board (IBB)
  • Science Board (PPAN)
  • Solar System Advisory Panel (SSAP)

Advisory Panel for Public Engagement

The Advisory Panel for Public Engagement (APPE) provides advice to the STFC Executive and STFC Public Engagement teams on strategy, policies and programme balance for public engagement with STFC’s science and technology, and provides new ideas for programme development.

The work of the panel covers the full STFC public engagement programme, delivered between STFC’s national laboratories and the council’s head office in Swindon.

This year, there are up to three vacancies on the panel. We are particularly keen to receive applications from teachers and educators, individuals working in industry, science centres, policy bodies, professional societies, from non-STFC research laboratories and institutes and from different sectors which place engagement with people and communities at the heart of their practice.

We welcome applications from individuals across all career stages, subject to demonstration of the proportionate required expertise.

Successful applicants will demonstrate expertise in the following APPE selection criteria:

  • expertise in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of a range of public engagement programmes
  • expertise in supporting public engagement delivery in academic or public-facing contexts, or both (for example, those in ‘public engagement professional’ roles) – public and private sector experience welcome
  • expertise in the planning, delivery, participation and evaluation of a range of community or youth engagement programmes, or both
  • wide-ranging knowledge of the public engagement and STEM inspiration landscape in the UK (essential) and beyond (desirable)
  • knowledge of the STFC public engagement strategy and wider STFC strategies and priorities

We are committed to a policy of equal opportunities. Appointments to the advisory panel are made on merit. However, we are keen to maintain diversity in its membership. Applications from women, those with a disability or members of minority ethnic groups are therefore especially welcome.

We will use diversity of membership as part of our selection criteria where we have two or more equally qualified or appointable candidates.

Membership will begin at the October 2024 meeting of the advisory panel, and appointments will initially be for three years. The panel meets twice a year, usually in May (in-person, two days including overnight stay at UK location) and October (online, usually within a single day).

The panel operates via facilitated group working and problem-solving, so enthusiasm for or experience of such methods is required. Some working group activity is expected outside of full APPE meetings.

Further information

For more information contact Jenni Chambers, email:

ALMA Oversight Committee

Two vacancies have arisen on the UK ALMA Oversight Committee.

The committee has two principal functions:

  • to act as an interface between STFC and the UK community on international aspects of the ALMA project
  • to provide oversight of the UK ALMA programme, including activities at the UK ALMA Regional Centre (ARC)

Applicants should have an understanding of the national and international contexts relating to ALMA.

All applications will be assessed based on STFC panel recruitment guidelines and in consultation with the Committee Chair.

The membership term is nominally a three-year appointment.

Further information

For more information contact Chris Woolford, email:

Astronomy Advisory Panel (AAP)

STFC advisory panels report to STFC Science Board, providing a route for consultation and interaction with the community. The panels draft and maintain roadmaps describing current and future research opportunities in their areas.

The Astronomy Advisory Panel will have some vacancies arising in the next 12 months. We welcome applications from those with expertise complementing the current AAP membership, and particularly encourage applications for those who identify as coming from underrepresented groups.

AAP-relevant experience:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the national and international contexts relating to this field
  • demonstrate skills in communication, team-working and strategic thinking

The membership term is nominally a three-year appointment.

The successful applicants will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the astronomy programme.

Further information

For more information contact Michelle Cooper, email:

Astronomy Large Awards Sift Panel

The Large Awards Sift Panel is an advisory body set up to carry out the peer review in the area of astronomy research and exploitation along with novel technology development with STFC.

The sift panel will consider outline stage applications in order to invite a minimum of 10 to develop a full case for submission to the 2025 Large Awards closing date.

Please note: you are not permitted to sit on the sift panel if you plan to submit a Large Award (in any role type) to the 2025 outline stage.

The Astronomy Large Awards Sift Panel considers applications in the areas of astronomy observation, astronomy theory, solar system and planetary studies science as follows:

  • stellar physics, including star formation and extra-solar planetary systems (studies of the Sun as part of a programme of stellar physics may fit here)
  • studies of transient phenomena
  • the interstellar medium and galactic astronomy
  • extra-galactic astronomy and cosmology
  • the astrophysical aspects of particle astrophysics, where particle astrophysics includes dark matter, the origin of cosmic rays and gravity
  • gravitational wave astronomy and astrophysics, including theoretical research. Exploitation based on public data releases, theoretical development, black hole cosmology, multi-messenger astronomy
  • laboratory astrophysics, including software development, relevant to the above programmes
  • solar physics and heliospheric physics
  • space-based terrestrial magnetospheric science and fundamental space plasma physics (excluding the impact on the Earth’s neutral atmosphere)
  • planetary science, including the surfaces and interiors, atmospheres, ionospheres, and magnetospheres of the solar system bodies other than the Earth
  • laboratory studies of solar system material such as meteorites, returned samples, solar system analogues, other laboratory physics relevant to the area of the funding opportunity and related software development
  • blue skies technology or instrumentation development applicable to the above areas (technology readiness levels (TRL) one to four)

There are six to nine vacancies available for the 2025 outline round. Membership is for one year. Members will need to be available to attend a two-day sift meeting, to be held via Zoom in late November or early December 2024.

Panel members will be expected to:

  • be able to meet the commitments and attendance requirements of the panel
  • be able to work across research disciplines
  • adhere to UKRI and STFC’s equality, diversity and inclusion policies and procedures

Applications will be assessed against the following selection criteria. Please demonstrate how you meet the criteria in your application:

  • relevant scientific expertise in one or more of the areas outlined above
  • experience of assessing grant applications or peer review
  • skills in participating and balancing views, arguments and interests of other participants

Further information

For more information contact Chloe Woodcock, email:

CERN Fellowships Panel

Applications for a vacancy to the CERN Fellowships Panel are encouraged for 2024 as our chair finishes their three-year term of office. We strive to have a balanced panel both from a science perspective of theory and diversity.

The panel currently consists of four particle physics assessors, three experimentalists and one theorist.

The panel membership usually changes by one person on 1 January each year, with membership lasting for up to four years with an option to act as panel chair towards the end of the panel membership. This year the vacancy is for an experimentalist.

How the panel operates

The CERN Fellowships scheme invites applications from graduates for fellowships at CERN from all its member states. The UK CERN Fellowships Panel reviews the applications in particle physics and agrees a marking of one to five stars that then provide input to the CERN selection committee on UK applicants.

Applications to assess are received from CERN in March and September each year. The review is carried out entirely by online access to the CERN site using the set of criteria provided by them to rank the applications.

The panel discuss the rankings and comments for each candidate, and once agreed these are sent to STFC to update the CERN application site.

The final decision on the applications is made at the twice-yearly Associates and Fellowship Committee (AFC) at CERN. STFC is informed of the results and the panel are updated on the decisions of the AFC.

Member expectations and selection criteria

CERN Fellowships Panel members are expected to:

  • meet the timescale deadlines of the applications
  • work together with the other panel members to agree a consistent ranking mark
  • advise STFC on the merits of the UK applications for CERN Fellowships
  • adhere to the EDI policy for UKRI and STFC

CERN Fellowships Panel selection criteria:

  • knowledge of experimental or theoretical particle physics
  • awareness of CERN fellowships
  • understanding of early career trajectory
  • experience of assessing early career applications such as for fellowships
  • knowledge of EDI and good practice

Further information

Careers at CERN website

For more information contact Kylie Collett, email:

2024 Collaborative Studentships Panel

Applications to the STFC Collaborative Studentships Panel are invited. The Collaborative Studentships and Collaborative Studentships Plus funding opportunities award three to five studentships each year.

This studentship competition provides support for PhD students to work in collaboration with a non-academic partner on projects that fall within the STFC core science programme in astronomy, particle physics, nuclear physics, and accelerator science; or that aim to apply technologies or techniques developed within the programme into other areas.

Find out more about Industrial CASE studentships.

This opportunity welcomes applicants from different career stages and diverse backgrounds who can demonstrate the appropriate skills, expertise and experience.

STFC is inviting applications from all individuals, particularly with the following areas of expertise:

  • accelerator physics
  • industry

Panel members will be expected to:

  • be able to meet commitments and attendance requirements of the panel (reading and scoring the proposals and a half-day teleconference)
  • be able to work across disciplines and separate from personal biases
  • adhere to UKRI and STFC’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy and procedures

Applications will be assessed for suitability based on the evidence provided against the following criteria:

  • interdisciplinary knowledge of PPAN science areas
  • broad interdisciplinary knowledge or experience and potentially links with industry in all STFC remits
  • experience working with industry or producing impact from scientific projects
  • knowledge of STFC strategy
  • peer review or panel experience

Further information

For more information contact Sian Giles-Titcombe, email:

DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee – Astronomy and Cosmology Sub-Panel

DiRAC is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modelling and high performance computing (HPC)-based research in particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and nuclear physics, all areas in which the UK is world-leading.

The Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) was established by STFC to review proposals annually and oversee the time allocation process for computing time on the DiRAC facility.

The RAC has two sub-panels, one for ‘Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory’ and one for ‘Astronomy and Cosmology’, each of which consider the proposals within their respective remits.

Members will:

  • assess applications for time allocations on the above facility, taking appropriate account of advice from external reviewers, and make recommendations to the STFC Executive
  • aim to achieve the optimal use of DiRAC resources, considering the RAC assessment criteria, STFC strategic priorities, including resource balancing across the different science areas, and the technical capabilities of the machines
  • advise the STFC Executive on any issues related to DiRAC resource allocation policy and practice

There are four vacancies on the DiRAC RAC Astronomy and Cosmology Sub-Panel later this year. Membership will begin on 1 October 2024 for three years. Prior experience of working on similar panels is desirable, but not essential, and we welcome early career academics, providing they can demonstrate suitable expertise.

Each year, members will be required to attend the Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel meeting, the RAC main panel meeting (if selected), plus any other ad-hoc activities which may arise if availability allows. All applicants must demonstrate how their skills meet the assessment criteria.

DiRAC members are expected to:

  • be able to work constructively in the area of the panel’s work and as part of a team
  • have knowledge of the STFC Science Challenges, Frontier Physics areas and its strategic priorities
  • be able to meet the commitments and attendance requirements of the panel

Suitable applicants should have expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • galaxy formation and evolution, and cosmic gas
  • molecular cloud formation and evolution, and star formation
  • planet formation
  • stellar evolution and supernovae modelling
  • compact object evolution and gravitational wave signals

Please note, on this occasion we are unable to accept applications from members of the Virgo Consortium due to conflicts of interest.

Further information

For more information contact Sarah Garlick, email:

DiRAC Resource Allocation Committee – Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel

DiRAC is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modelling and high performance computing (HPC)-based research in astronomy and cosmology, astrophysics, solar system physics, particle astrophysics, particle physics and nuclear physics, areas in which the UK is world-leading.

The Resource Allocation Committee (RAC) was established by STFC to review proposals annually and oversee the time allocation process for computing time on the DiRAC facility.

The RAC has two sub-panels, one for ‘Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory’ and one for ‘Astronomy and Cosmology’, each of which consider the proposals within their respective remits.

Members will:

  • assess applications for time allocations on the above facility, taking appropriate account of advice from external reviewers, and make recommendations to STFC Executive
  • aim to achieve the optimal use of DiRAC resources, considering the RAC assessment criteria, STFC strategic priorities, including resource balancing across the different science areas, and the technical capabilities of the machines
  • advise STFC Executive on any issues related to DiRAC resource allocation policy and practice

There are two vacancies on the DiRAC RAC Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel later this year. Membership will begin on 1 October 2024 for three years. Prior experience of working on similar panels is desirable, but not essential, and we welcome early career academics, providing they can demonstrate suitable expertise.

Each year, members will be required to attend the Particle Physics and Nuclear Theory Sub-Panel meeting, the RAC main panel meeting (if selected), plus any other ad-hoc activities which may arise if availability allows. All applicants must demonstrate how their skills meet the assessment criteria.

DiRAC members are expected to:

  • be able to work constructively in the area of the panel’s work and as part of a team
  • have knowledge of the STFC Science Challenges in Frontier Physics areas and its strategic priorities
  • be able to meet the commitments and attendance requirements of the panel

We invite applications from individuals with expertise in the areas of:

  • theoretical nuclear physics, theoretical nuclear structure, nuclear density functional theory
  • finite temperature lattice QCD

Further information

For more information contact Sarah Garlick, email:

Ernest Rutherford Fellowship Panel

Applications to the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship Panel are invited. Up to 10 Ernest Rutherford Fellowships are offered each year which provide five years of funding to outstanding researchers at an early stage of their career.

The Ernest Rutherford Fellowships will enable early career researchers with clear leadership potential to establish a strong, independent research programme. They will encourage talented researchers in UK universities to remain in the country, and at the same time attract outstanding overseas researchers to the UK.

Members of the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship Panel will be asked to recommend appropriate expert peer reviewers, attend sift or prioritisation meetings and interview panels.

This opportunity welcomes applicants from different career stages and diverse backgrounds who can demonstrate the appropriate skills, expertise and experience.

STFC is inviting applications from individuals particularly with the following areas of expertise:

  • accelerator physics
  • particle astrophysics and cosmology
  • astronomy extragalactic
  • astronomy near universe
  • astronomy near universe exoplanet or solar
  • nuclear physics
  • particle physics theory

Panel members will be expected to:

  • be able to meet the commitments and attendance requirements of the panel. This will involve selecting reviewers for applications in your field of expertise, scoring and assessment prior to sift meetings, attendance for one or two days at sift, preparing candidate feedback following sift meetings, and preparation work prior to interviews if required. Interviews will be held over four days
  • be able to work across research disciplines and separate from personal biases
  • adhere to UKRI and STFC’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy and procedures

Please demonstrate how you meet the criteria in your application:

  • experience of assessing grant applications or peer review
  • knowledge of PPAN science areas
  • knowledge of the STFC strategy
  • skills in participating and balancing views, arguments and interests of other participants
  • understanding of the broader early career context and early career trajectory

Further information

For more information contact Susan Blackwell, email:

Education Training and Careers Committee

Applications to the STFC Education Training and Careers Committee are invited. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of studentships and fellowships policy and strategy.

The committee provides advice to STFC Council and the Executive on strategy, policies, and programme balance for all aspects of education and training relevant to the STFC core programme including studentships, fellowships, equality issues and career development of early career researchers.

The committee oversees the allocation of STFC Landscape, Focal and Collaborative studentship awards, the peer review and award of fellowships, and the quality of training and culture supported by these programmes.

The committee meets three times a year, and the Chair would also be required to chair the fellowships panel during their term.

This opportunity welcomes applicants from different career stages and diverse backgrounds who can demonstrate the appropriate skills, expertise and experience listed in the criteria.

STFC is inviting applications from individuals, particularly with the following areas of expertise:

  • industry
  • astronomy near universe
  • particle astrophysics and cosmology

Committee members are expected to:

  • be able to meet the commitments and attendance requirements of the committee
  • work constructively in the area of the committee’s work
  • represent a balance across disciplines, experiments, and institutions
  • follow UKRI and STFC EDI principles and procedures

Applications will be assessed against the following selection criteria. Please demonstrate how you meet the criteria in your application:

  • experience of assessing grant applications or peer review, particularly for early career applicants such as fellowships
  • experience and interest in strategy and policy with respect to early careers including doctoral and other early careers, for example fellowships
  • experience of EDI aspects, particularly as applied to early careers
  • knowledge of PPAN science areas and STFC strategy

Further information

For more information contact Jennifer Varallo, email:

Chair of the Education Training and Careers Committee

Applications are invited for the Chair of the STFC Education Training and Careers Committee (ETCC). The successful applicant will have the opportunity to lead studentship and fellowship policy and strategy, including equality issues and career development of early career researchers.

The committee provides advice to STFC Council and the Executive on strategy, policy and programme balance for all aspects of education and training relevant to the STFC core programme including studentships, fellowships, equality issues and career development of early career researchers.

The committee oversees the allocation of STFC Landscape, Focal and Collaborative studentship awards, the peer review and award of fellowships, and the quality of training and culture supported by these programmes.

The committee meets three times a year, and the Chair would also be required to chair the fellowships panel during their term.

This opportunity welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds who can demonstrate the appropriate skills, expertise and experience listed in the criteria. Applicants may be invited to interview.

The Chair of ETCC will be expected to:

  • be able to meet the commitments and attendance requirements of the committee
  • work constructively in the area of the committee’s work and lead the committee in its deliberations
  • achieve a balance across disciplines, experiments, and institutions
  • follow UKRI and STFC’s EDI principles and procedures

Applications will be assessed against the following selection criteria. Please demonstrate how you meet the criteria in your application:

  • experience and interest in strategy and policy with respect to early careers including doctoral and other early careers, for example fellowships
  • experience of membership of ETCC or a similar type of committee or panel
  • experience of assessing grant applications or peer review, particularly for early career applicants such as fellowships
  • experience of EDI aspects, particularly as applied to early careers
  • knowledge of PPAN science areas and STFC strategy

Further information

For more information contact Jennifer Varallo, email:

Innovation and Business Board (IBB)

This new body aims to bring together leaders of major partners in innovation and industry to leverage their industrial experience and networks into STFC’s activities and to provide guidance and feedback for new business engagement strategies.

The Innovation and Business Board will provide advice to STFC on how to accelerate end-to-end innovation and stimulate business growth, delivering on UKRI’s world-class innovation objective:

  • UKRI vision: an outstanding research and innovation system in the UK that gives everyone the opportunity to contribute and to benefit
  • UKRI mission: to convene, catalyse and invest in close collaboration with others to build a thriving, inclusive research and innovation system that connects discovery to prosperity and public good
  • UKRI values: we are collaborative partners; we are innovative, creative and catalysts; we act with integrity and we focus on excellence

STFC is looking to recruit panel members for the Innovation and Business Board. There are up to three vacancies available. The term of membership will ordinarily be for three years, commencing in September 2024, with the possibility of reappointment.

Members are asked to attend meetings up to three times a year with other businesses conducted via email. Please note these roles are not remunerated.

Applications are invited from individuals with substantial experience of research-led or industry-led innovation and delivering new business derived at the intersection of academia and industry.

Members from the quantum industry commercialisation sector are especially encouraged to apply, bringing their expertise and insights to our diverse community.

The Innovation and Business Board will:

  • provide industry and business perspectives regarding STFC activities
  • provide advice on the implementation and future development of STFC’s innovation, campus and industry engagement strategies
  • assist STFC in demonstrating success by providing advice on measuring and communicating the impact and benefit of supported activities
  • provide input to STFC’s skills and expertise development plans to increase alignment with industrial needs as appropriate
  • provide advice on STFC funding opportunities and existing funding mechanisms
  • act as advocates for STFC across industry and business landscape

Meetings and reporting

The Innovation and Business Board meets three times a year. An annual report will be presented to STFC Council.

A meeting will be quorate when eight external members and two internal members will be able to attend the meeting.

The secretariat for the Innovation and Business Board is provided by the STFC Business and Innovation Directorate.

Selection criteria

It is intended that the Innovation and Business Board will have representation from a variety of academia and industry sectors, reflecting the broad spectrum of research carried out at STFC’s facilities.

Members of the external advisory group will be selected based on the evidence provided against the following criteria:

  • extensive experience at a senior level in an industrial research environment or working at the interface between industry and academia
  • proven ability to provide advice at a strategic level with the ability to exercise judgement across a broad spectrum of policy and research issues
  • a demonstrable ability to think and act strategically, and address difficult decisions across a broad spectrum of issues. Confident and well-informed in debate
  • ability to quickly form positive working relationships with a wide range of people
  • ability to commit the necessary time and attention to the role and have support from their employer


  •  knowledge of the role of the UK research infrastructure, and understanding of STFC’s programmes and its priorities
  • awareness of the national and international scientific and funding landscapes in which STFC operates

Please send via encrypted email a copy of your CV to

Timetable for shortlisting, interviews, and appointment are to be confirmed.

STFC Innovation and Business Board meeting will be in November 2024.

Further information

For more information contact Dymphie Webb, email:

Projects Peer Review Panel (PPRP)

The Projects Peer Review Panel (PPRP) assesses large or complex, or both, construction and operation projects from across STFC’s remit:

  • particle physics
  • nuclear physics
  • accelerator physics
  • computing
  • astronomy
  • particle astrophysics

The PPRP currently has 35 members, a subset of whom attend each PPRP meeting. It employs a diverse membership across these areas and seeks to achieve a balance of expertise across disciplines, institutions and experiments.

Details of the current membership are available on the PPRP page. Members are expected to be able to attend a minimum of two PPRP meetings per year.

PPRP meetings are held relative to demand, around five times a year. In addition, visiting panel meetings, to provide additional scrutiny, are held for most proposals with a subset of PPRP members.

All meetings take place physically in the UK or via video conference, and members are not expected to attend every meeting. Attendance fees and expenses are remunerated.

PPRP members are expected to contribute to the assessment of proposals across STFC’s remit, not just their core discipline.

Suitable applicants from academia and those from other sectors who meet the criteria below are invited to apply. Applications are also particularly welcomed from individuals based at non-Russell Group institutions who meet the criteria below, in order to balance out representation on the panel. Overseas applicants are also welcomed to apply.

Early career researchers and theorists need not apply.

PPRP welcomes applications which meet the requirements below from individuals with any of the following expertise:

  • particle physics
  • nuclear physics
  • accelerator physics
  • computing
  • astronomy (including solar and space science)
  • particle astrophysics
  • project management

PPRP will recruit new members based on the strength of the applications received, rather than quotas within these areas. High-quality applications are therefore encouraged in any of the above areas.

In particular, PPRP anticipates having vacancies in the areas of space science, nuclear physics, computing and project management. Applications in these areas which meet the criteria below are encouraged. Appointments will be for an initial two years from January 2025.



  • disciplinary expertise within PPRP’s remit (see above)
  • in-depth technical understanding or significant project management experience on high-end technology projects
  • ability to attend two or more PPRP meetings a year
  • ability to understand national and international physics contexts or science project management
  • minimum position level of senior lecturer or equivalent


  • experience of working on development, construction or operation of large instrumentation or computing projects in physics
  • previous experience of peer reviewing proposals in STFC’s remit
  • experience of delivering economic and societal impact from physics or computing projects
  • experience of collaborating with or working in industry
  • experience of managing development, construction and operations projects in instrumentation or computing for physics
  • experience of project managing scientific projects
  • experience of serving on STFC panels, boards or oversight committees or equivalent

Further information

For more information contact Roy Stephen, email:

Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories)

About the board

Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories) will provide advice and guidance to STFC related to STFC-supported national and international multidisciplinary facilities, the STFC National Laboratories, and related technologies, including accelerators and computing. The board is seeking up to five members.

The board:

  • reviews and considers long-term National Laboratories and large-scale facilities science, technology and accelerator strategies for STFC. This includes identifying and prioritising scientific opportunities and understanding the underpinning technological development
  • consults with the appropriate communities to ensure the science, technology and accelerator strategies for the facilities and STFC National Laboratory departments represents the needs of the UK multidisciplinary user community
  • advises on the strategic importance of possible new areas of activity, new collaborations and partnerships
  • advises on strategic priorities across the National Laboratory departments
  • advises on the overall scientific investment portfolio across the National Laboratories, including large-scale capital investments, to support UKRI’s users of multidisciplinary facilities
  • advises on the balance of capability and capacity across international and national large-scale multidisciplinary facilities
  • provides strategic advice on the STFC 10-year plan for international and national large-scale multidisciplinary facilities in the context of the broader STFC strategy
  • provides co-ordinated advice, alongside Science Board (PPAN), in cross-cutting areas such as technology, computing and accelerators through mechanisms including joint meetings and task and finish groups

Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories) will comprise approximately 16 members, in addition to a Chair, representing a broad cross-section of STFC’s facility user and technology-focused stakeholder communities which includes:

  • members of the UK academic and business or industrial communities
  • members from national and international facilities and laboratories

Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories) will normally meet four times a year, either in person at different STFC sites or by video conference. In-person meetings will always include a video conferencing option, in order to ensure the majority of board members are able to participate. Each meeting requires approximately one day of preparation.

Who we’re looking for

Applications are encouraged from prospective board members who bring a broad strategic view, providing advice and insight into STFC strategy development at a cross-cutting level.

The benefits to both academic and industrial members of the board include:

  • exposure to high-level strategy development within a board which directly reports to STFC Council
  • abundant networking opportunities with key contacts within STFC, industry and academia
  • the opportunity to directly influence strategy for STFC’s underpinning technologies and their exploitation and commercialisation

We would particularly encourage applicants with expertise or interest in any of the following:

  • quantum technologies, including quantum computing
  • computing, software development
  • artificial intelligence, machine learning
  • technology and instrumentation for astronomy and space science
  • accelerator science and research and development
  • engineering, manufacturing, metrology
  • users of light sources, laser and neutron facilities

Applicants from either academia or industry with any of these areas of expertise should indicate this in their application.

How we’ll assess your application

Applications will be assessed by a panel usually made up of representatives from STFC Council and Executive Board and the current Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories) Chair.

The following criteria will be used to assess applicants, but you do not need to address each criterion if you do not have the relevant experience:

  • relevant scientific or technical expertise in either academia or industry within at least one of STFC’s underpinning technologies
  • user, member or manager of national and international research facilities and laboratories, or has an understanding of facility science contexts
  • experience in developing or implementing strategy or policy in an academic, business, government or other research-intensive environment
  • strategic knowledge and understanding of the needs of the multidisciplinary facility user community
  • an awareness of the role STFC National Laboratories play in underpinning and supporting the UK research community

The panel will also consider the balance of institutions represented on the board as part of their assessment.

A dynamic, diverse and inclusive board is critical to ensure STFC gets the best strategic advice. Therefore, we particularly encourage applications from women, people who identify as an ethnic minority, people with a disability, and other groups who are currently under-represented on STFCs boards and panels.

Appointments would begin in January 2025, with terms for up to four years. All applications will be assessed based on STFC panel recruitment guidelines.

Further information

For more information contact the Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories) secretariat, email:

Find out more about the Science Board.

Science Board (PPAN)

About the board

Science Board (PPAN) will provide STFC with strategic scientific advice on, and assessment of, the STFC (Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics) PPAN programme, which includes particle astrophysics, space science and the accelerator and computational requirements of the science programmes.

In this recruitment round, the board is seeking members with expertise in particle physics, nuclear physics and astronomy or space science.

The board:

  • reviews and considers long-term PPAN science, technology and accelerator strategies for STFC. This includes identifying and prioritising scientific opportunities and understanding the underpinning technological development
  • provides advice on proposed and existing STFC PPAN science and technology programmes and investments, considering individual projects in the broader context of the overall portfolio and longer-term science and technology prioritisation
  • provides strategic advice on STFC’s scientific investment portfolio, accounting for programme priorities, long-term science strategy and outcomes from strategic reviews of STFC’s programme
  • provides advice on the long-term roadmaps for the different strands of the PPAN programme, in the context of the STFC PPAN 10-year financial plan
  • on an annual basis, reviews the STFC rolling financial plan for the PPAN programme, providing recommendations on the long-term balance in the context of the wider STFC strategy
  • consults with the STFC-supporting scientific communities via its advisory panels to ensure the science and technology strategies reflect the UK’s scientific priorities
  • provides strategic advice and guidance to STFC on the framework within which projects and areas of science are assessed in terms of their scientific quality
  • provides strategic scientific advice, as required, on the programmes of the UK Space Agency (UKSA) as part of the ‘dual key’ arrangements
  • provides coordinated advice, alongside Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories), in cross-cutting areas such as technology, computing and accelerators through mechanisms including joint meetings and task and finish groups

Science Board (PPAN) will normally consist of 16 senior members of the academic and research community based at UK institutions, in addition to a Chair. The members will be representative of STFC’s core research stakeholder communities:

  • particle physics including one theorist (six members)
  • astronomy/space science (six members)
  • particle astrophysics (two members)
  • nuclear physics (two members)

Members will serve for two years in the first instance. The overall membership is refreshed on a rolling annual cycle, to ensure continuity on the board.

Science Board (PPAN) will normally meet between four and six times a year across different STFC sites, and may have some additional extraordinary meetings for specific activities. Meetings may be a combination of in-person and via videoconferencing, and each meeting requires approximately one day of preparation.

Who we’re looking for

Applications are sought from individuals at UK-based institutions or organisations who bring a broad strategic view, providing advice and insight into STFC strategy development.

For the current recruitment round we are looking for Science Board (PPAN) members in the areas of:

  • particle physics
  • cosmic microwave background, cosmology and early Universe
  • nuclear physics

How we’ll assess your application

Applications will be assessed by a panel usually made up of representatives from STFC Council and Executive Board, and the current Science Board (PPAN) Chair against the following criteria:

  • relevant scientific or technical expertise
  • experience of working strategically and an ability to exercise judgement both in a core scientific field and across STFC’s programmes
  • involvement in conducting, leading, or directing internationally significant research in an academic or other research institution
  • an understanding of national and international PPAN science contexts

A dynamic, diverse, and inclusive Science Board (PPAN) is critical to ensure STFC gets the best strategic advice. Therefore, we particularly encourage applications from women, people who identify as an ethnic minority, people with a disability, and other groups who are currently under-represented on the board.

Membership would begin in January 2025 and be for two years in the first instance. All applications will be assessed based on STFC panel recruitment guidelines.

Further information

For more information contact Science Board (PPAN), email:

Solar System Advisory Panel (SSAP)

STFC advisory panels report to STFC Science Board, providing a route for consultation and interaction with the community. The panels draft and maintain roadmaps describing current and future research opportunities in their areas.

Find out more about SSAP.

The Solar System Advisory Panel will have a number of vacancies arising in the next 12 months. We welcome applications from those with expertise covering all areas of solar system science.

SSAP selection criteria:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the national and international contexts relating to this field
  • demonstrate skills in communication, team-working and strategic thinking

The membership term is nominally a three-year appointment.

The successful applicants will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the solar system science programme.

Further information

For more information contact:

Last updated: 8 July 2024

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