How STFC is governed

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) knows that the way we’re structured and managed has a direct impact on the scientific and technological outcomes we deliver, as well as on our ability to function efficiently and effectively and so provide maximum value for taxpayers’ money.

That’s why we have placed such emphasis on establishing the right framework for our operations and ensuring this continually evolves to meet and anticipate new challenges. It’s a framework geared not simply to supporting and facilitating success but also to scrutinising our activities and questioning our assumptions whenever and wherever necessary.

From the council, board and advisory bodies that oversee, steer and inform our operations, to the policies we implement, the regulations we comply with and the standards we adhere to on a daily basis, a thorough framework of structures, systems and measures contributes to the achievement of best practice covering every aspect of the way we’re governed.

Reinforcing this is a process of continual review and refinement guaranteeing continuous improvement in the good governance that underpins our scientific vision, our reputation and our effectiveness as an organisation.

Find out how to join an STFC advisory body or peer review panel.

View the management and governance of STFC document.

STFC Council

STFC Council is responsible for advising and making decisions, as delegated to it by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Board, on scientific, research and innovation matters.

Read more about the STFC Council.

Executive Board

See the STFC Executive Board.

Executive Chair

STFC’s Executive Chair provides overall leadership and is responsible for the management and performance of STFC.

Read more about the Executive Chair.

Science Board

See the members and terms of reference for the Science Board.

Advisory boards

See the boards that report directly to council and other advisory boards, panels and committees.

Our directorates

Our staff are organised in seven directorates, plus the Executive Chair’s Office.

Read more about our directorates.

Last updated: 21 June 2022

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