Workplace inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are a key priority in the Medical Research Council (MRC) and concerted effort is being made to ensure that EDI is embedded across all MRC work. We recognise that our success and competitiveness as an organisation depends on the ability to embrace EDI and draw on the diverse skills, understanding and experience of our people.

Our aim is to provide an inclusive culture where individual differences and diversity are welcomed: in our workforce, for applicants of jobs and funding, and within our boards, panels, MRC Council and advisory bodies. Everyone has a part to play each day in ensuring we foster a fair and respectful environment.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in MRC

MRC has established four key priorities from 2022 to 2027 underpinned by a series of actions to advance EDI in all that we do. A comprehensive EDI action plan will be published in due course.

Read more about MRC’s EDI activities.

EDI Advocates

MRC runs an EDI Advocates Programme, which is open to all members of staff across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). As of July 2024 there have been 138 members of staff taking part.

An EDI Advocate is someone who, with training and support, proactively works for change to help create an inclusive workplace culture. A workplace where all staff can thrive, enjoy equal access to opportunities, have their voices heard, be recognised, feel valued, be themselves, and work in a way that supports their individual needs. Ultimately, EDI Advocates aim to help make a difference to improve people’s working lives and help promote EDI across UKRI and more widely. They practice the ‘3C’s’:

  • champion: equality/equity, diversity, inclusion and fairness in their roles, teams, councils, and beyond
  • challenge: aim to practice active bystander intervention when needed, question, observe and actively seek to address bias
  • contact: act as points of contact for staff to discuss EDI-related ideas, equality impact assessment and confidential concerns (for example, relating to bullying, harassment, discrimination). Any interested member of staff, at any level, is welcome to get involved

EDI Forum

The MRC Head Office EDI Forum provides an inclusive and supportive environment for all Head Office employees to:

  • discuss EDI-related themes
  • share ideas, knowledge and experience
  • support and influence the wider MRC EDI agenda

Meetings typically take place quarterly and membership is open to all MRC Head Office and Future Leaders Fellowship colleagues.

‘Leading a Diverse Team’ programme

A key MRC priority is to ensure that all staff are equipped with the knowledge and tools to engage with EDI confidently and effectively. Different courses are organised periodically, and Active Bystander Training is required for all Head Office staff. We have also rolled out a ‘Leading a Diverse Team’ programme to be completed by all current and new line managers.

Line managers play a pivotal role in fostering inclusive cultures, ensuring a positive staff experience, and maximising the potential of diverse teams. The programme was designed to support and empower line managers with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to lead diverse teams effectively, promote inclusivity, and drive organisational success.

Inclusive recruitment pilot

From 2024 to 2026, MRC is running a pilot on behalf of UKRI focused on inclusive recruitment best practice. This includes:

  • development and distribution of a comprehensive ‘Inclusive Hiring Guidance and Checklist’
  • launching an Inclusive Recruitment Specialist Scheme, which provides a pool of specially trained staff volunteers to support hiring managers in embedding EDI best practice at each stage of the recruitment and selection process
  • trialling providing interview questions in advance

Disability Confident

UKRI is a Disability Confident employer. The scheme identifies those employers who have agreed to meet commitments regarding the recruitment, employment, retention and career development of disabled people.

We are committed to supporting applicants and staff through the ‘Offer to Interview’ scheme and making reasonable adjustments to ensure everyone is able to participate to the best of their abilities.

Find out more information on what this means in practice on GOV.UK.

UKRI staff networks and memberships

UKRI currently has eight staff networks:

  • Racial Inclusion and Striving for Equity (RISE) Network
  • Pride Network
  • Disability Matters
  • UKRI Women’s Chapter
  • Parenting Network
  • Carers Network
  • Multifaith Network
  • Early Careers Network

Each group meets regularly, and all have individual agendas and terms of reference. They are a fantastic way to network with people and build contacts across UKRI and to share experiences, arrange events and socialise with a view to catalysing change within the organisation.

All UKRI colleagues are welcome and invited to join any of the staff network groups, even if they do not fall into any of the ‘categories’ represented.

UKRI also has a membership with the following organisations who provide expertise, networking opportunities, events and resources for staff. These include:

  • Inclusive Employers
  • Business Disability Forum
  • PurpleSpace
  • Working Families
  • Employers for Carers
  • Menopause Friendly


For further information about EDI in MRC.


Last updated: 16 September 2024

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