MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

The Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB)’s overarching mission is to better understand biological processes at the molecular level, employing diverse methods of physics, chemistry and biology. The work covers a broad range of science, but the emphasis is on areas that are of fundamental biological importance, those that provide major challenges best addressed in a multidisciplinary environment with long-term support and those where detailed molecular studies offer opportunities for medical benefits or major technical innovation. LMB has four Research Divisions:

  • Cell Biology: to discover the molecular mechanisms of fundamental cellular processes with potential medical significance
  • Neurobiology: to understand fundamental properties of nerve cells in health and disease through the elucidation of molecular mechanisms
  • Protein & Nucleic Acid Chemistry: to obtain insights into human biological diseases at the molecular and structural level
  • Structural Studies: to understand the mechanisms underlying fundamental biological processes.

Find out more about the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology.

Last updated: 31 March 2022

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