Population health sciences group

The population health sciences group (PHSG) is responsible for developing the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) strategy for population-based health research and ensuring that MRC’s portfolio in this area remains strong across all our research boards.

Specific areas of responsibility include epidemiology, investment in cohorts and biobanks, population research methodologies including modelling and population-based genetic studies.

The group will also develop strategies for improving translational public health research, covering the development and evaluation of interventions for disease prevention and health policy relevant to the UK through our partnership with the National Institute for Health Research.

PHSG also oversees the activities of the MRC longitudinal population studies strategic advisory panel (LPS-SAP), which provides strategic feedback on outline applications for longitudinal population studies.

Membership (from 1 March 2024)

  • Professor Nick Wareham (Chair), University of Cambridge
  • Professor Brian Ferguson, National Institute for Health and Care Research and University of York
  • Professor Majid Ezzati, Imperial College London
  • Professor Hilary Graham, University of York
  • Professor Kevin Fenton, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
  • Professor Willem van Mechelen, University of Amsterdam
  • Professor William Dixon, The University of Manchester
  • Professor Emily Jefferson, University of Dundee
  • Professor Graham Hart, University College London
  • Professor John Newton, University of Exeter
  • Dr Angela Obasi, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Professor Harish Nair, The University of Edinburgh
  • Professor William Whiteley, The University of Edinburgh

See the population health sciences conflicts of interest register.

Last updated: 14 November 2024

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