Data and infrastructure, skills and methods expert advisory group (EAG)

The purpose of the EAG is to provide advice to support strategic oversight of the Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC) portfolio of data services, longitudinal population studies and cohorts, skills, surveys, research methods, information technology, and activities within the broader information environment. Where relevant, the EAG may also be asked to advise on areas of overlap and identified cross-cutting themes with other ESRC portfolios and investments. The EAG is advisory and does not have decision-making powers.

The EAG membership includes:

  • Professor Clare Holdsworth (chair), Keele University
  • Professor James Banks, The University of Manchester
  • Professor Ann Berrington, University of Southampton
  • Professor Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey
  • Professor John Goodwin, University of Leicester
  • Professor Gordon Harold, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Cristina Iannelli, The University of Edinburgh
  • Alex Jones, Ofsted
  • Professor Kerina Jones, Swansea University
  • Sir Bernard Silverman, professor emeritus at the University of Oxford

Last updated: 2 June 2023

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