Big Ideas initiative



We need you to tell us your big ideas, to help us shape the future research landscape and tackle the research challenges of tomorrow.

EPSRC’s Big Ideas initiative is a route through which members of the community can engage with us to inform our future plans and priorities. It is not a funding opportunity, but instead aims to collect and develop a bank of ideas that EPSRC can draw from, to:

  • help drive forward existing priorities
  • shape future strategy and the wider research landscape

We want to identify exciting, adventurous and potentially transformative ideas that will spark creativity and attract the enthusiasm of researchers, the public, industry and government, potentially shaping the next generation of research and innovation priorities.

Our updated Big Ideas process is now simpler, making it easier for you to share your ideas with us. As well as detailing how to submit new ideas, this page tells you about ideas that have already been submitted. It demonstrates how they have impacted the research that EPSRC supports, be this through the development of bids for additional funding or through ideas being used to inform our future strategies and priorities.

Video credit: EPSRC

Submitting a Big Idea

The Big Ideas process has changed, so sharing your ideas with us is simpler and more streamlined.

Download the submission form and the big ideas guidance document, which details the information that you need to provide, and answers a number of frequently asked questions.

To submit an idea, please complete the submission form and email it to

Contact us about Big Ideas

Contact the Big Ideas team or submit an idea.


Last updated: 17 August 2023

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