Work with us

We welcome input from industry and the public sector in our strategy and planning activities.

EPSRC Council

Members of the EPSRC Council, our senior decision-making body, are drawn from academia and industry. Council membership is reviewed annually.

Science, Engineering and Technology Board

The Science, Engineering and Technology Board (SETB) uses scientific and technological insight to identify and champion bold new research challenges at the cutting edge of engineering and physical sciences for future investment.

Strategic advisory teams

Our strategic advisory teams provide advice for EPSRC on its programmes, including both research and training aspects. There is an exercise to recruit new members every second year.

EPSRC Peer Review College

Our college of reviewers is integral to our peer review process, reviewing research proposals and sitting on prioritisation panels.

Business Engagement Forum

The Business Engagement Forum (BEF) provides regular opportunities for two-way engagement with our key business stakeholders and other non-academic collaborators, via a community of enterprise and non-enterprise partners that represent the whole of our remit and research landscape.

If you want to find out more about getting involved with EPSRC, contact us.

Last updated: 8 October 2024

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.