Our service standards

We are committed to providing a high-quality, responsive and accessible service to all the organisations and individuals with which we interact. We vigorously pursue our service standards, including compliance with the code of practice on access to government information.

We will:

  • answer all enquiries clearly and quickly
  • reply to all written enquiries (including emails) within 10 working days
  • provide a response to telephone enquiries within two working days
  • promptly acknowledge receipt of applications
  • acknowledge receipt of research grant proposals and fellowships within three working days
  • when requested, acknowledge receipt of external job applications within two working days
  • communicate decisions in accordance with published timescales and targets
  • notify 90% of all proposers of the outcome of their proposals within 26 weeks of receipt
  • inform external job applicants of the result of their application within 24 hours of their interview or assessment
  • in accordance with agreed arrangements, make timely grants, fellowships and studentships payments
  • provide contact details (address, telephone, fax, email, website) on all correspondence, maintain up-to-date contact details on our website, and operate a central helpline for general enquiries
  • make application forms and information about policies and schemes readily available to all enquirers
  • ensure that as much up-to-date information as possible is available on the EPSRC website, and that all forms in general use can be downloaded or accessed through the research councils’ Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system
  • send out paper copies of documents or forms within two working days of receiving the request
  • consult all those who have an interest in EPSRC policies, processes and services, and maintain open channels for unsolicited comments
  • operate effective equal opportunities policies, including ensuring that schemes are accessible to external applicants, irrespective of age, race, gender or disability
  • uphold high standards of integrity in all areas of operations, in compliance with the recommendations of the government’s Committee on Standards in Public Life
  • operate a clear and effective process for considering and responding to complaints.

Service performance data

We regularly review our service standards and our performance in meeting these standards. Wherever appropriate and practical, data is collected to provide a direct measure of performance.


Compliments on our staff or service we provide are always welcome.

Making a complaint

We would like to know about any instances where we have failed to comply with our published standards. Please notify us by following the UKRI complaints procedure.

Last updated: 17 August 2023

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.