Policies and standards specific to EPSRC
Policy on use of animals in research
EPSRC’s policy on the use of animals in research and guidance for applicants and reviewers.
Principles of public life
EPSRC’s code of practice embraces the Seven Principles of Public Life drawn up by the Nolan Committee.
Our service standards
We are committed to providing a high-quality, responsive and accessible service to all the organisations and individuals with which we interact.
EPSRC policy framework on research data
This policy framework sets out EPSRC’s expectations about the management of and access to EPSRC-funded research data.
Framework for responsible innovation
As a public funder of research, we have a responsibility to ensure that our activities and the research we fund are aligned with the principles of responsible innovation.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
EPSRC supports a diverse and inclusive research environment where there is equal access to opportunities.
Managing conflicts of interest of EPSRC-seconded staff
EPSRC is committed to managing all real, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest with integrity, impartiality, honesty and openness.