Strategic advisory bodies

EPSRC’s strategic advisory bodies comprise:

Strategic advisory teams (SATs)

EPSRC’s strategic advisory teams provide its theme leaders with advice on research and training strategy in the different subject areas of its portfolio.

Find out more about the SATs’ roles and responsibilities.

EPSRC regularly invites applications from prominent industrialists, academics and individuals working in the third sector and government organisations to join EPSRC’s strategic advisory bodies. Self-nominations are sought from those who feel they are able to meet the requirements set out in the person specification for both SAN and SAT vacancies. Nominations are also welcome from key stakeholder groups or other organisations on behalf of suitable individuals.

Travel and expenses

Non-EPSRC staff (for instance panel members, college members and advisory body members) can claim travel and expenses when travelling on council business. To make a claim please send your completed form to your EPSRC contact along with any relevant paperwork such as receipts.

Download the expenses claim form for non-UKRI staff.

Read more about UKRI’s travel and subsistence policy.

Last updated: 17 October 2023

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