ARCHER2 management

The Academic Research Computing High End Resource (ARCHER2) service is a world-class advanced computing resource for UK researchers, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

ARCHER2 is hosted by EPCC, part of the University of Edinburgh.

Find more details on ARCHER2, including how to access the service.

Management structure

The management structure for the ARCHER2 service comprises three main bodies:

  • Management Board (MB)
  • User Advisory Group (UAG)
  • Service Operations Group (SOG)


Flowchart of the ARCHER management structure


The aim of these management groups is to ensure that the benefits outlined in the business and scientific case for ARCHER2 are realised, and that the strategic and scientific direction of the service aligns with the expectations and requirements of the research community.

They also monitor the performance of the service to ensure that contracted service levels are achieved and that other agreed targets are met.

Management Board

The ARCHER2 Management Board (MB) acts as a management body for the ARCHER2 service. It ensures that the service performs at the highest level and strives for continuous improvement in the best interests of the UKRI research council partners (EPSRC and NERC) and their users.


The objectives of the board are to:

  • ensure that the ARCHER2 service is operated without bias and in the best interests of the UK research base and the partner research councils
  • take ownership of, review and actively manage the operational risks for the ARCHER2 service
  • monitor and evaluate contractual service levels
  • ensure that recommendations from Gateway Reviews 4 (readiness for service) and 5 (benefits realisation) are actioned
  • review and act on recommendations for operational and policy changes from the user base through the UAG.

Membership and composition

For the board to achieve its objectives, it is vital to have the inputs of research council, user and contractual stakeholders. The following composition is proposed:

  • chair (EPSRC representative)
  • NERC representative
  • chair or vice-chair UAG
  • independent HPC service provider (1)
  • independent HPC service provider (2).

Non-voting members:

  • ARCHER2 contract manager
  • hardware representative (HPE)
  • service provision representative (EPCC)
  • computational science and engineering support representative (EPCC)
  • UKRI commercial representative.

ARCHER2 User Advisory Group (UAG)

The ARCHER2 User Advisory Group (UAG) represents the high performance computing user base and ensures that ARCHER2 meets the current and future needs of the research community. The group comments on progress reports by the service providers from a user perspective and inputs user requirements to the management board.


The objectives of the group are to:

  • recommend activities to the management board to improve or add value to the user experience of the service
  • comment on the performance of CSE and SP concerning the user experience of ARCHER2 and provide recommendations to the management board
  • review (where appropriate) the outputs of other research council HPC groups and committees and suggest courses of action to the management board
  • monitor ARCHER2’s scientific impact on the UK high performance computing landscape and help develop the scientific case for future national investments.

Membership and composition

In order to work towards the above objectives, it is necessary to ensure input from the user communities of the partner research councils.


  • chair (EPSRC user representative 1)
  • vice-chair (NERC user representative 1)
  • EPSRC user representative 2
  • EPSRC user representative 3
  • EPSRC user representative 4
  • EPSRC user representative 5
  • EPSRC user representative 6
  • EPSRC user representative 7
  • EPSRC user representative 8
  • NERC user representative 2
  • NERC user representative 3
  • International HPC user representative.

By invitation:

  • hardware representative (HPE)
  • service provision representative (EPCC)
  • computational science and engineering support representative (EPCC)
  • authority representatives
  • EPSRC research infrastructure lead
  • ARCHER2 contract manager
  • NERC representative.

Service Operations Group

The ARCHER2 Service Operations Group (SOG) ensures the seamless flow of information between the hardware provider, the service provider and EPSRC on a technical level.


The objectives of the group are to:

  • ensure that any issues are communicated clearly and solutions are worked on to the maximum benefit of the ARCHER2 users
  • ensure that the key performance indicators outlined in the relevant contracts are kept on track.

Membership and composition

  • ARCHER2 contract manager
  • hardware representatives (HPE)
  • service provision representatives (EPCC)
  • computational science and engineering support representatives (EPCC).

Last updated: 23 February 2023

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