Institute Assessment Exercise 2017

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) provides strategic funding to eight institutes, which deliver innovative, world-class bioscience research and training, aligned with our strategic priorities, generating high returns for the UK economy.

Our strategically funded institutes have strong links with business, industry and the wider community, and support policy development. Their research underpins key sectors of the UK economy including agriculture, bioenergy, biotechnology and food. In addition, the institutes maintain unique research facilities of national importance.

We are committed to the rigorous assessment of our strategically funded institutes as a means of meeting our goals and, matching best practice, ensuring that institutes continue to provide value for money, as well as informing our future funding decisions and complying with government policy. To achieve this, we conduct an Institute Assessment Exercise (IAE) every five years. During 2016, seven of the eight strategically funded institutes were involved in the 2016 IAE.

The Institute of Food Research (IFR) did not participate in the 2016 IAE because of ongoing development of the new Quadram Institute, which will integrate research teams from IFR, the University of East Anglia, and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The Quadram Institute participated in the same IAE process during 2017.

Read the 2017 Institute Assessment Exercise process and guidelines for institutes.


Institute Assessment Exercise Team

Last updated: 25 May 2023

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