Bioscience for Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Growth Strategy Advisory Panel

Bioscience for Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Growth (AMCG) is one of BBSRC’s three challenge-led strategic priorities outlined in the Forward Look for UK Bioscience and the strategic delivery plan 2022 to 2025. The AMCG Strategy Advisory Panel advises BBSRC on transforming industries through bio-based processes and products in a new low-carbon bioeconomy.

Terms of reference

BBSRC strategy advisory panels develop and maintain an overview of research, training and innovation across the biosciences, in universities, research institutes, business and other stakeholder organisations. This is both in the UK and globally, and in doing so the panels consider the relevant ethical, legal, and social context to provide BBSRC:

  • strategic advice on BBSRC’s investment portfolio relevant to the strategy advisory panel’s remit and its place within the wider bioscience research and innovation landscape
  • horizon scanning to identify emerging opportunities and to advise on effective strategic intervention
  • constructive challenge and assurance to ensure BBSRC’s ideas, policies and strategies are fit for purpose and take all necessary stakeholder perspectives into account
  • monitoring and benchmarking of existing activities and investments

The strategy advisory panel considers a multidisciplinary area utilising biological systems for the:

  • development of novel, bio-based and low-carbon manufacture for improved materials, chemicals, biopharmaceuticals, and energy vectors
  • production of more sustainable products through renewable resources and sustainable feedstocks
  • use of biological systems for the remediation of land, water and air

To achieve these aims, AMCG supports research and technologies, including:

  • biological systems including genes, enzymes, bacteria, fungi, algae, animal and plant cells, and whole (multicellular) organisms
  • feedstocks involving wastes and residues (in the form of gases, liquids and solids), and perennial biomass
  • technologies covering bioscience, chemistry and engineering disciplines, with an emphasis on a wide range of biological tools to adapt and enhance productivity including forced evolution, strain selection and genomic modification

Panel membership 2024

  • Dr Reuben Carr (Chair), Ingenza
  • Professor Dimitris Charalampopoulos, University of Reading
  • Professor Louise Horsfall, The University of Edinburgh
  • Dr Sarah Hosking, Unilever
  • Dr Alison Mohr, Independent Consultant
  • Dr Ellis O’Neill, University of Nottingham
  • Dr Jhuma Sadhukhan, University of Surrey

Previous meeting dates

20 and 26 April 2021
Meeting (Zoom)
Meeting agenda and minutes: April 2021

8 December 2021
Meeting (Zoom)
Meeting agenda and minutes: December 2021

7 to 8 December 2022
Meeting (in-person and Zoom)
Meeting minutes: December 2022

21 to 22 June 2023
Meeting (in-person and Zoom)
Meeting minutes: June 2023

Ask a question about AMCG Strategy Advisory Panel

Chloe Langley


Last updated: 30 August 2024

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