Research Committees


Committee and Pool membership

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) research committees and Pool of Experts play a key role in delivering our mission through participation in the assessment of research grant applications, and identification of the highest quality research for investment.

Serving on a research committee provides useful insight into the grant funding process, offers an opportunity to be involved in the support of cutting edge research and will be beneficial in the preparation of future grant applications for those who serve.

Each committee is drawn from the Pool of Experts and is composed of both academic and industrial representatives.

Do I get paid for being a committee member?

Eligible committee members are paid an honorarium for attending a meeting and reasonable travel expenses will also be reimbursed.

Do I get any training?

Members do receive initial induction training which includes participation in a simulated meeting. The office also provides ongoing support to all serving members.

Objective decision making – insights from responsive mode committee chairs

For those members who wish to get more involved, in the video below some of the Committee Chairs talk about the role of chairing research committees, including why they chose to do it and how it is different from being a member.


Appointments Team

Last updated: 11 March 2024

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