Science Board (PPAN) will provide STFC with strategic scientific advice on, and assessment of, the STFC PPAN programme, which includes particle astrophysics, space science and the accelerator and computational requirements of the science programmes.
The board:
- reviews and considers long-term PPAN science, technology and accelerator strategies for STFC, including identifying and prioritising scientific opportunities and understanding the underpinning technological development
- provides advice on proposed and existing STFC PPAN science and technology programmes and investments, considering individual projects in the broader context of the overall portfolio and longer-term science and technology prioritisation
- provides strategic advice on STFC’s scientific investment portfolio, accounting for programme priorities, long-term science strategy and outcomes from strategic reviews of STFC’s programme
- provides advice on the long-term roadmaps for the different strands of the PPAN programme, in the context of the STFC PPAN 10-year financial plan
- reviews on an annual basis the STFC rolling financial plan for the PPAN programme, providing recommendations on the long-term balance in the context of the wider STFC strategy
- consults with the STFC-supporting scientific communities via its advisory panels to ensure the science and technology strategies reflect the UK’s scientific priorities
- provides strategic advice and guidance to STFC on the framework within which projects and areas of science are assessed in terms of their scientific quality
- provides strategic scientific advice, as required, on the programmes of the UK Space Agency as part of the ‘dual key’ arrangements
- provides co-ordinated advice, alongside Science Board (Facilities and Laboratories), in cross-cutting areas such as technology, computing and accelerators through mechanisms including joint meetings, task and finish groups
Science Board (PPAN) will normally consist of 16 senior members of the academic and research community based at UK institutions, in addition to a chair.
The members will be representative of STFC’s core research stakeholder communities:
- particle physics including one theorist (six members)
- astronomy and space science (six members)
- particle astrophysics (two members)
- nuclear physics (two members)
Find out more about the terms of your appointment in the handbook for members of STFC advisory bodies.
Term and meetings
Membership would ideally begin in November 2024, as we are seeking to appoint a new member in Astronomy who will be able to attend and contribute to the remaining meetings for this calendar year, when key strategic discussions on a long-term prioritised PPAN roadmap will take place. The PPAN roadmap will set the guiderails on future investments, inform STFC’s planning decisions and help optimise delivery of excellent science and impact.
Please check STFC Science Board (PPAN) members and meeting dates for information on the meeting dates for 2024.
Members will serve for four years. The overall membership is refreshed on a rolling annual cycle, to ensure continuity on the board.
Science Board (PPAN) will normally meet between four and six times a year across different STFC sites, and may have some additional extraordinary meetings for specific activities.
Meetings may be a combination of in-person and via videoconferencing, and each meeting requires approximately one day of preparation.